Did Johannes G. Linck and Anna Empey have these children? Phillipus -1791-yes Michael -1793-checking Phillip -1795-yes Elizabeth -1796-checking Mary Magdalene -1798-checking Catherine E. -1804-checking Julianne -1806- checking John Matthias " " William " " Jacob Jacob " " Noah D. " "
According to OGS (Ontario Genealogical Society)
Anna Mary applied for a Land Grant December 22, 1797 and January 5th 1798
There was a mix up due to another Land application from a different Mary Link, married to Matthew Link.
Lot 20 Consession 11, Winchester Township- the Land Anna Mary applied for, was mistakenly given away to a Mary Waldorf.
18 Years passed until Anna Mary was able to have this mistake rectified.
1770 |
March 12, 1770
Stone Arabia, Albany County, New York
Palatine Camp, Albany County, New York
1788 |
1789 |
1791 |
July 11, 1791
Cornwall, Stormont, Ontario, Canada
1793 |
August 18, 1793
Cornwall, Stormont, Ontario, Canada
1795 |
Cornwall, Stormont, Ontario, Canada
1796 |
1798 |
December 1, 1798
Cornwall, Stormont County, Upper Canada
1804 |
May 17, 1804
Cornwall, Stormont, Ontario, Canada