Matching family tree profiles for Ann Pullin
Immediate Family
About Ann Pullin
Ann, parents unknown, was born about 1630, and died between 1687 and 1691 in Maryland.
From https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Gilbert-1056
1st Marriage:
Spouse: Robert Smith Date: abt 1653 Place: Northumberland County, Virginia
Issue: Robert Smith, Nicholas Smith, Elizabeth Smith, Jane Smith,
2nd Marriage: Spouse: John Ayres Date: 5 Jun 1661 Place: Northumberland County, Virginia
Issue: None
In 1661, Ann, a widow with several young children, married John Ayres. On the 5th of June of that year, the Northampton County Court granted John the role of Administrator for the estate of Robert Smith, Ann's first husband.:
"Upon the peticon of JNO: AIRES. whoe married with the Widdow & Relict of ROBERT SMITH. deced,, it is ordered that a Commission of Admcon. be granted unto him of the Estate of the sd. ROBERT SMITH, hee presenting an Invy: thereof to the Court & put in security for the same." [4]
Upon John's death and prior to her marriage to her third husband, Ann petitioned the Court and was granted administration of Robert Smith's estate on April 20, 1663:
"Upon the peticon of ANNE AIRES, the Widdow and Relict of JNO: AIRES, deced., it is ordered that a Commission of Administracon bee granted unto her of the Estate of her deced. Husband, shee pr:senting an Inventory & putting in security for the same unto the Court accordinge to Law." [5]
On the same day, Ann was ordered by the Court to deliver cattle in her possession to John Smith, a son and heir of Robert Smith, who had petitioned the court:
"Upon the peticon of JNO; SMITH, the Sonne of ROBERT SMITH, deced., it is ordered that ANNE AIRES, the Widdow and Relict of JNO: AIRES, deced., whoe was Relict of the sd. ROBERT SMITH, haveing an Estate of Cattell belonginge unto the sd. JNO: in her possession; It is ordered that the sd. ANNE AIRES shall forthwith deliver all the sd. Cattell into the custody & possession of the sd. JOHN SMITH, hee beinge at lawful yeares capable to receive them." [6]
On June 20, 1663, Ann gifted the heirs of Robert Smith from the estate:
"Imprs: One Browne cowe called by the name of Gentle & her Calfe I give to my Sonne, ROBERT SMITH, & one young Heyfer called by the name of Young White-foot to owne them as his owne, them & their increase for ever; one feather bed with all the furniture belonging to it & one Gun, a Pesten, a pewter dish with his name put on it. one pott & chest, one frying pan & a sett of Coopers tooles, these cattle being of JOHN AIRES his marke & the rest of these things being all his I doe freely give them to my Sonne, ROBERT SMITH; Two two yeare old heyfers the one a light browne with part of the hinder legg white, white under the belly, white spott in the forehead & the end of her toile white, the other being black both of them cropt on the right eare with a slitt in the left eare & the fore part of the eare that is slitt a bitt taken off, a pott, a pestall & a Gun being a s( ) barrelld. Gunne, a pewter dish, a flock bed and the furniture belonging to it, these things I freely give to my Sonne, RICHARD SMITH, I doe give to my Daughter, ELIZABETH SMITH, a yeare old heyfer cropt in the right care & a slitt in the left care ( ) one bed & furniture belonging to it ( ), one boson with her name on them they ( ) my Daughter, ELIZABETH SMITH, ( ) JANE SMITH one yeare ( ) killer- pan except on the ( ) eare with the end of ( ) her name on it; I give ( ) SMITH, I give to ( ) yeare old hefer calve ( ) Nancy; As Witnes my hand this ( )
(On margin: ANNE AIRES, Widdow & Relict of JNO: AIRES deced., her gift to her Children)" [7]
3rd Marriage: Spouse: Sutton Quinney Date: abt Jul 1663 Place: Northumberland County, Virginia
Issue: Rosamond Elizabeth Quinney, Ann Queeny, Sutton Quinney
Ann married her third husband, Sutton Quinney, some time between June and December 1663, after the death of her second husband, John Ayres, who died in April of that year, and believed to be the same John Ayres who was responsible for transporting Sutton Quinney to the colonies as an indentured servant in 1661.
There is further evidence to conclude Ann and Sutton may have been married as early as Jul 1663, as found by the sworn court testament of Sutton on July 20, 1663, presenting himself guardian of Ann's children:
"A Just Accot. of the Cattell belonging to ROBT. SMTTH's Orphans in my possession whoe am Gaurdian to them
WILLIAM SMITH one cowe & calfe; NICHOLAS SMITH one yeareling; ELIZABETH SMITH one cowe & calfe; JANE SMITH one cow -6.
SUTTON QUEENY" [8] In a Northumberland County Court entry dated the 10th of December 1663, we find the following reference to Sutton Quinney having married the administratrix and widow of Robert Smith:
"It appeares to this Court that HENRY ROCHE standeth indebted unto SUTTON QUEENY, whoe married the Admrx. of ROBERT SMYTH, deced., in the summe of three hundred pounds of tobacco and caste by Bill assigned from JOHN KENT to the sd. SMYTH; It is therefore ordered that the sd. HENRY ROCHE shall make payment of the sd, debt unto the sd. SUTTON QUEENY with costs als execucon, unlesse hee, the sd, ROCHE, by the next Court chew good cause to the contrary." [9]
4th Marriage: Spouse: Richard Pullin Date: abt 1670 Place: Northumberland County, Virginia
Issue: Mary Pullin
- https://www.colonial-settlers-md-va.us/getperson.php?personID=I0722...
- https://wc.rootsweb.com/trees/120044/I11367/ann-/individual
Mary Gilbert's connection to Shakespeare:
Ann Pullin's Timeline
1631 |
Kent, Maryland, Colonial America
1658 |
Westmoreland County, Virginia
1667 |
Westmoreland, Virginia, United States
1669 |
Kent County, Maryland, United States
1670 |
Westmoreland, Virginia, United States
1671 |
Kent County, Province of Maryland