Seen as Ann Coleman without evidence.
Seen as daughter of Col James Taylor without evidence.
U.S. Southern Colonies Project logo
Ann (Unknown) Clement was a Virginia colonist.
Not much is really known about Ann _ _ _ _. She was was born about 1685 in Virginia probably either in Hanover or King William County, VA, maybe even perhaps New Kent. She may been a "Parker", according to Clements Researchers at FTDNA YDNA results, and researchers at "Genealogy Research Notes and Musings by Patricia Griffith" (see notes and sources).
Ann married William Clements, Sr. Son of John & Elizabeth (Terry?) Clements of Hanover Co., Virginia about 1706. She was mentioned with the name "Ann" in a couple of Land Deeds along with her husband. And she was sill alive at the time of her Husband, Williams' Will Dated: 18 Feb 1760, Amelia County, Virginia. Ann was mentioned this way "Item I lend to my Loving Wife Ann Clement During her Natural Life all my whole Estate" Also In her Husband's will, these are children who are mentioned.
(Note: It would seem that there is NO daughter by the name Rebecca, who might have married a Paul Pigg in William Clement's Sr., Will, dated 18 Feb 1760, Amelia County, Virginia)
Notes - Why the last name "Parker"
Genealogy Research Notes and Musings by Patricia Griffith . . .the Clements, Terrys, and Parkers. . . 3 female ancestors of Wm III with no proven surname, and we have geographical proximity with known familial involvement between Clements, Terrys, and Parkers, it became obvious that 2 of the 4 unidentified females in the family were probably Parkers and Terrys. And Parkers and Terrys were probably also intermarried. 1748 John Clement's will is witnessed by a Francis Terry. 1760 Wm Clement of Amelia's will is witnessed by Benajah Parker who lives in Halifax Co. 1790 Benajah Parker has moved to Richmond Co NC 6 doors away from John Clement probable son of Capt. Benjamin http://patgriffithgenealogy.blogspot.com/2016/03/william-clement-ii...
Land Deeds "Ann relinquished her right of Dower"
Court Order Book 1, 1735 - 1746 Amelia County, VA Transcript by Joan Rutter, 29 December 2000, posted here by permission 1739 - Deed William CLEMENT to Hezekiah FORD, dated 18 Sep 1739 Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 1, 1734-1743, pp. 207-209 Transcript by Marna L. Clemons, 2 September 2001
This Indenture Made the Eighteenth day of September in the year of our Lord Christ One thousand Seven hundred and thirty nine Between William Clement of the parish of Raleigh parish in the County of Amelia of the one part and Hezekiah Ford of the Same parish and County of the other part Witnesseth that the Said William Clement for divers good causes and considerations him hereunto moving but more Especially for and in consideration of the Sum of twenty pounds current money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the Said Hezekiah Ford the receipt whereof he doth hereby Acknowledge Hath given granted Bargained Sold aliened released and confirmed and by these presents Doth give grant bargain Sell alien Release and confirm to the Said Hezekiah Ford and to his heirs and Assigns for Ever A certain tract or parcel of Land Situate lying and being in the parish and county aforesaid containing Two hundred acres be the Same more or less and bounded as followeth to wit Begining at a corner gum Standing on the north Side of the Litle Bent run thence East by a line of markt Trees to a Corner Hikory thence South by a Line of Markt Trees to a Branch of the Said Bent run thence up the Same by markt Trees to a corner pine Standing on George Bookers Line late John Youngs thence South along the Said Bookers Line to George Hamm's Line thence along the Said Hamms Line to a corner Ash Standing in a Branch known by the name of Abraham Branch thence down the Said Branch as it Meanders to the litle Bent run thence down the Same by markt Trees to a corner poplar Standing on the South Side of the Litle Bent Run thence by a line of Marked trees to a Corner Spanish Oak Standing on the South Side of the litle Bent Run thence down the Said run as it meanders to the Begining And all Buildings woods and under woods Standing or growing upon the primises and all ways Easements profits Comodties and Appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise Appertaining and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders thereof and the right title use trust Interest proporty claim & Demand of him the Said William Clement of and in all and Singular the premises with all and every their Incidents and all Evidences Writings or Minnments of or concerning the Said Land or premises To Have and To Hold the Said tract or parcel of Land with all and Singular the premises herein before mentioned meant or intended to be hereby granted with all and every their Appurtenances unto the SaidHezekiah Ford and to his heirs and Assigns to the Only use and Behoof of the Said Hezekiah Ford and of heirs and Assigns for ever And the Said William Clement and his heirs the Said tract or parcel of Land and all and Singular the premises herein before mentioned with the appurtenances unto the Sa Hezekiah Ford his heirs and Assigns and to his and their own proper use and uses against the Challenge claim and Demand of all persons whatsoever Shall and will Warrant and for ever by these presents Defend In Witness whereof the Said William Clement hath hereunto Set his hand and Seal the Day & Year Above Written. Sealed Delivered } William Clement In presence of us } John Clement Mary Clement Bathsheba Clement Memorandum that on the Eighteenth Day of September 1739 peaceable possession of the within Mentioned Lands and primises was granted to to the within Named Hezekiah Foard by the within mentioned William Clement Covenantor to these presents In presence of
John Clement
William Clement
Mary Clement
Bathsheba Clement
At a Court held for Amelia County for the xix day of October MDCCXXXIX William Clement presented and acknowledged this his Deed and Livery & Seisin unto Hezekiah Ford and ordered to be recorded.
Ann the wife of the Said William being first privately examined and Voluntarily assenting thereto relinquished her right of Dower in the Land conveyed by the Said Deed Samuel Cobbs CC
1739 - Deed William CLEMENT Sr. to William CLEMENT Jr., dated 18 Sep 1739 Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 1, 1734-1743, pp. 209-210 Transcript by Marna L. Clemons, August 2001
This Indenture Made the Eighteenth day of September in the year of our Lord Christ One thousand Seven hundred and thirty nine Between William Clement of the parish of Raleigh parish in the County of Amelia of the one part and William Clement Junr. of the Same parish and County of the other part Witnesseth that the Said William Clement Senr. for divers good Causes and Considerations him hereunto Moving but more Especially for and in Consideration of the Sum of Twenty pounds Currant Money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the Said William Clement Junr. the receipt whereof he doth hereby Acknowledge hath given granted Bargained Sold Aliened released and Confirmed and by these presents doth give grant Bargain Sell alien Release and Confirm to the Said William Clement Junr. and to his heirs and Assigns forever A certain tract or parcel of Land Situate Lying and being in the parish and County aforesaid Containing Two hundred and Seventy five Acres be the Same more or less and bounded as followeth to wit Begining at a pine on the Ridge by the middle bent run thence Norwest to paul piggs Line to a Corner pine thence along the Said piggs Line west to a faced Corner thence along piggs Line north a Cross ye Great Bent Run to a Corner Between Paul piggs and William Ekhols thence along Ekhols Line South west to James Seay Junr. Line Thence along the Said Seays Line East To this faced Corner thence South to to a Corner White Oak on the Said Seays Line Thence East to a Corner pine on the Ridge by Ekhols path Thence North East To the pine it begun at and all Buildings woods and underwoods Standing or growing upon the primises and all wais Easements profits Commodities and appurtenances Whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise Appertaining and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders thereof and the right title use trust Intrust property Claim and Demand of him the Said William Clement Senr. of and in all and Singlor the premises with all and Every their Incidents and all Evidences writings or Minnments of or Concerning the Said Land or primises To Have and To Hold the Said Tract or parcel of Land with all and Singular the premises herein before Mentioned meant or Intended to be hereby granted with all and every their Appurtenances unto the Said William Clement Junr. And to his heirs and Assigns to the Only use and behoof of the Said William Clement Junr. And of heirs and Assigns for Ever and the Said William Clement Senr. And his heirs the Said tract or parcel of Land and all and Singular the primises herein before mentioned with the appurtenances unto the Said William Clement Junr. his heirs and Assigns and to his and their own proper use and uses against the Challenge Claim and Demand of all persons whatsoever Shall and will warrant and for ever by these presents Defend in witness whereof the Said William Clement hath hereunto Set his hand and Seal the day and Year Above Written. Sealed and Delivered } William Clement In presence of us. } Hezekiah Ford John Clement Bathsheba Clement Memorandum that on the Eighteenth Day of September 1739 peaceable possession of the within Mentioned Lands and premises was granted to to the within mentioned William Clements Junr. by the within mentioned William Clement Senr. Covenantor to these presents In presence of
Hezekiah Ford
William Clement
John Clement
Bathsheba Clement
At a Court held for Amelia County for the xix day of October MDCCXXXIX William Clement presented and Acknowledged this his Deed and livery of Seisin unto William Clement Jnr. which was ordered to be recorded.
Ann the wife of the Said William being first privately examined and Voluntarily Assenting thereto relinquished her right of Dower in the Land conveyed by the Said Deed Samuel Cobbs CC
The Will of William Clements, Sr., Husband of Ann (Parker?)
Will of William CLEMENT, dated 18 Feb 1760, Amelia County, Virginia, Will Book 1, pages 157-159, Transcript by Marna L. Clemons, 3 October 1998 :
In the Name of God Amen the eighteenth Day of February In the year of our Lord Christ One thousand seven hundred And sixty I William Clement Sen.or of the Parish of Raleigh In the County of Amelia Planter being sick & weak In body but in Perfect memory of mind thanks be given unto Almighty god therefore Calling to mind the mortality of my body & knowing that it is appointed for all Men once to die Do make and Ordain this to be my last will & Testament that is to say Princibly & first I give And Recommend my soul into the Hands of Almighty god That gave it & my body I recommend to the Earth to be buried at the discretion of my Excrs. not Doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the Almighty Power of God and as touching my Worldly Estate Wherewith it hath Pleased the Almighty god to bless me with in this life I Give & Demise & Dispose of the same in the same in the following manner & Form.
Item I give to my son Benjamin Clement Two Negroes to wit York & Bess all which I give to him & his Heirs Forever.
Item I give to my son Wm. Clement Caesar & Philis all which I give to him & his heirs for Ever.
Item I give to my son John Clement Two Negroes to wit Ned & Judy paying Twenty Pounds back to the Estate all which I give to him & his Heirs for Ever.
Item I give to my son Francis Clement Two Negroes to wit Jemboy & Hannah also the Land & Plantation & Mill where I now Do live containing three hundred Acres by Estimation to him & his Heirs forever. I also give to my son Francis Clement & his Heirs forever one Hundred & fifty Acres of Land which I bought of George Evins whereon the said George Evins Now do live the said Land being not yet Conveyed to me for which my will is that my Estate Pay the Remainder of the Purchase money & Desire that the said Evins convey the same by Deed to my son Francis Clement And that my Son Francis shall pay thirty Pounds to the Estate at the Death of my Wife.
Item I lend to my Daughter Elizabeth Ellyson Two Negroes to wit During her Natural life Gin & Davey & after her Decease
I give Gin to Anne Ford Daughter of Hezekiah Ford Deceased &
Davey to Hezekiah Ford Son of the said Hezekiah Deceased.
Item I lend to my Daughter Barshaba Major During her Natural Life Two Negroes to wit Peter & Sarah and Five Pounds Current Money & at the decease of the Bathsheba I Give the said Negroes & money to be Equally Divided Amongst all her Children.
Item I give to my Daughter Ann Pigg Two Negroes to wit Ben & Lucy all which I give to her & her Heirs for ever.
Item I lend to my Loving Wife Ann Clement During her Natural Life all my whole Estate as well the Part before Disposed of as the Part not already Disposed of & at her Decease my will is that the Land I bought of Wm. Ross and all my Estate not Given in Legacy be sold to the highest Bidder sand Equally Divided Amongst my seven Children. Item my will & Desire is that there be no appraisment nor no Inventory Returned to the Court.
Item I Constitute & Appoint my Son John Clement and my son Francis Clement my hole & Sole Exrs. of this my last will & Testament & I do hereby Disanul and Revoke & make Void all other Forms Wills and Testaments Legacys and Bequiffs by me any Ways before named Ratifiing and Confirming this and no Other to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the Day & year Above Ritten further my Will is that no account of mine stand against any of my Children.
Signed Sealed and Delivered
In Presence of } William Clements
Thomas Tabb
Benajah Parker
Isaac Clement
David Wilson
At a Court held for Amelia County the 28th. Day of Feb.ar 1760. This Will was proved by the Oaths of Thomas Tabb Benaj.a Parker & Isaac Clements Witnesses thereto, sworn to by John & Francis Clements the Executors therein named and ordered to be recorded and on the Motion of the said Executors who entered into & Acknowledged Bond as the Law directs with Edmund Booker their Security Certificate was granted them for obtaining a Probat in due Form.
Test Griffin Peachy C C
YDNA FTDNA Testing Group # 12 - https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/clements-clemmons-dna/about/ba...
GROUP 12. These participants all match proven descendants of the family of John Clements of King William / Hanover Co. VA 1655-1749, through his sons William, Stephen, and Simon. His son John, who seemingly settled in Petersburg VA, now has a matching representation in the DNA project results.
The documented sons were William (of Amelia Co VA), John b 1687 no further record, Stephen of Goochland Co VA, and Simon of Granville Co NC. Based on all the extant records and the corresponding dates, as well as DNA matching, William Clement of Amelia Co VA was the son of John of Hanover Co. He was born c 1680-1683, not 1670, and died 1760. His wife was Ann, surname possibly Parker. He had four sons; Benjamin born c 1703, William born c 1707, John born c 1710, Francis born c 1720, and daughters Elizabeth, Barsheba and Ann. Gen. I John Clement born c 1655-1660 d Hanover Co VA 1748. wives Elizabeth (Terry?) 1st, Isabell 2nd children named in will; Wm, John, Stephen, Simon. John and Stephen were deceased in 1747 at the writing of the will. Gen. II William, John, Stephen and Simon; WILLIAM Clement born c 1680-1681 migrated from King Wm Co VA to Amelia Co in 1735, at c age 55; d Amelia Co 1760. wife Anne (probably Parker) Children; Benjamin born c 1703, William Jr born c 1707, John born c 1710 and Francis born c 1720; daus Eliz, Barsheba and Ann. (more on these 4 sons of William will follow on Gen III) JOHN JR 1687-c1746 wife Mary probable sons John b c 1708, William b c 1710, Reuben and David.
Anne Catherine Taylor was born in 1684 in Gloucester, Virginia.
Anne married William Clement (~1670 - 1760).
Their daughter was Ann (Clement) Pigg (~1712 - ~1805).
Anne died in 1720 in Amelia aged ~36.
1735 - Court Order Book 1, 1735 - 1746 Amelia County, VA Transcript by Joan Rutter, 29 December 2000, posted here by permission 1739 - Deed William CLEMENT to Hezekiah FORD, dated 18 Sep 1739 Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 1, 1734-1743, pp. 207-209 Transcript by Marna L. Clemons, 2 September 2001
1739 - Deed William CLEMENT Sr. to William CLEMENT Jr., dated 18 Sep 1739 Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 1, 1734-1743, pp. 209-210 Transcript by Marna L. Clemons, August 2001
The Will of William Clements, Sr., Husband of Ann (Parker?) Will of William CLEMENT, dated 18 Feb 1760, Amelia County, Virginia, Will Book 1, pages 157-159, Transcript by Marna L. Clemons, 3 October 1998 :
Other Sources
YDNA Results for William Clements - Group #12
YDNA Test Results through FTDNA for the Clements family - GROUP #12 John Clement - Hanover Co VA GROUP 12. These participants all match proven descendants of the family of John Clements of King William / Hanover Co. VA 1655-1749, through his sons William, Stephen, and Simon. His son John, who seemingly settled in Petersburg VA, now has a matching representation in the DNA project
William Clement of Amelia Co VA was the son of John of Hanover Co. He was born c 1680-1683, not 1670, and died 1760. His wife was Ann, surname possibly Parker. He had four sons; Benjamin born c 1703, William born c 1707, John born c 1710, Francis born c 1720, and daughters Elizabeth, Barsheba and Ann. Gen. I John Clement born c 1655-1660 d Hanover Co VA 1748. wives Elizabeth (Terry?) 1st, Isabell 2nd children named in will; Wm, John, Stephen, Simon. John and Stephen were deceased in 1747 at the writing of the will. Gen. II William, John, Stephen and Simon; WILLIAM Clement born c 1680-1681 migrated from King Wm Co VA to Amelia Co in 1735, at c age 55; d Amelia Co 1760. wife Anne (probably Parker) Children; Benjamin born c 1703, William Jr born c 1707, John born c 1710 and Francis born c 1720; daus Eliz, Barsheba and Ann. (more on these 4 sons of William will follow on Gen III) JOHN JR 1687-c1746 wife Mary probable sons John b c 1708, William b c 1710, Reuben and David.
Married Ann Taylor in 1698. William served as one of the presiding justices of the Court of Amelia County from 1741-1755 when he was appointed Sheriff of Amelia Co.
Known Number of Children:
1. Benjamin Clemons/ Clement 2. William Clemons/Clement 3. John Clemons/Clement 4. Francis Clemons/Clement 5. Elizabeth Clemons/Clement 6. Ford Ellyson Clemons/Clement 7. Ann Clemons/Clement All named in will
Will Proved: Will Book 1 page 157 Raleigh Parish Amelia County Virginia Courthouse
U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 about William Clement Name: William Clement Gender: Male Birth Year: 1670 Spouse Name: Anne Marriage State: VA Number Pages: 1
1684 |
January 12, 1684
Hare Forest, Orange County, Virginia, United States of America
1700 |
January 2, 1700
King William City, King & Queen, Virginia British Colonies, Colonial America, United States
Virginia, United States
1702 |
Gloucester Co, VA
1704 |
Gloucester Co., Virginia
1706 |
Of Gloucester Co, VA
1708 |
Of Gloucester Co, VA
1710 |
Gloucester County, Virginia, United States
1712 |
King William Co., Virginia