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About Ann Chichester
Ann Chinn was born 5 May 1682 in Morattico Creek, Lancaster Co., Virginia, and died 10 Dec 1729 in Lancaster Co., Virginia. She was the daughter of 2. John Chinn (Chynn) and 3. Alice Smoot.
She married William Fox BEF 29 Aug 1701 in , Lancaster Co., Virginia, son of David Fox and Hannah Ball. He was born 20 Jan 1672/1673 in ,, Virginia, and died 1718 in Virginia.
She married Richard Chichester ABT 11 Jul 1719 in , Lancaster Co., Virginia. He was born 5 Mar 1656/1657 in England, and died 1726 in Virginia.
- The Branch, Harris, Jarvis, and Chinn book: a family outline. Composed by members of these families, and brought together in this form by Benjamin H. Branch Jr. by Branch, Benjamin Harrison, 1919- page 258. <[ Archive.Org]>
- Updated from MyHeritage Family Trees via sister Sarah Chilton (born Chinn) by SmartCopy: Nov 24 2014, 23:31:59 UTC
- (1) "Mostly Southern," by Mark Freeman (, markfreeman database, 6 Jul 2007).
- (2) "The Chinn and Myers Families," by Randie Myers (, rjm66 database, 29 Apr 2007). Cites: (a) "Marriage Bonds in Lancaster County," "William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine," Vol. 12, No. 2 (Oct. 1903) p.97-98. (b) Will of John Chinn Sr. Copied from a photostat obtained from The Virginia State Library by Nanon L. Carr, Kansas City, MO. (c) "Wm. & Mary Quarterly," Vol 17 (July 1908) p.63. Lancaster Recorder. (d) Lancaster Co., Wills, etc. No 8 (1690-1709) p.210-211. Copied from a handwritten copy in the Chinn Family file #73 developed by Miss Nanon L. Carr and located in the Mid-ContinentGenelogy Library, Independence, MO.
- (3) "Virginia Marriage Records from the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, the William and Mary College Quarterly, and Tyler's Quarterly" (Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1984; rpt. FTM CD 174, 1998), "Marriage Bonds in Lancaster County," p.289.
- (4) "Heale Family," "William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine," Vol. 17, p.297 (rpt. ! Birth: (1,2) d/o John CHYNN/Alice SMOOT. (2c,4) d/o John CHINN. (1,2) 5 May 1682. (2c) On 6 Dec 1694, to be 13 years old on next 5 May [b. 5 May 1682]. (1,2) Morattico Creek, Lancaster co., VA.Marriage to William FOX: (4) (1) 11 Jul 1719. Lancaster Co., VA. [NOTE: This was marriage bond for 2nd marriage.] (2) Aug 1701. (2d) Alice STRETCHLEY gave to daughter Ann FOX and son-in-law William FOX in her will dtd 29 Aug 1701. (3) Marriage to Richard CHICHESTER: (1) 11 Jun 1729. (2a) 11 Jul 1719. (1,2) Lancaster Co., VA. (2a) Security, Jo. CHICHESTER. Wits. Rawleigh CHINN, Wm PAYNE. Fine seal of arms opposite to Richd. CHICHESTER's name. (3) Marriage bond 11 Jul 1719, Lancaster Co., VA. Anne, Widow of Wm. FOX, gent. James CHICHESTER, gen.t, security. Has CHICHESTER arms on seal. Death: (1) 1729. (2) 10 Dec 1729. Lancaster Co., VA.
- (2b) 1691, 15 Dec: John CHINN Senr of the Co. of Lancaster made his will. "I give unto my Daughter Ann CHINN all that tract of Land be it more or less whereon Thomas CHILTON now lives which I bought from Richard LLOYD laying upon the heade of Powells Creek and to her heirs forever. I give unto my said Daughter Ann one ffeatherbed a pair of blankets A Rugg a boulster and one pillow, one Iron Pott, a frieng pan, A Mare with all her increase running in Kirbys neck fouor sheep twelve head of cattle when she shall come to the age of sixteen years and not before."
- (2c) 1694, 6 Dec: Ann daughter of John CHINN would be 13 years old on May 5 next, Rawleigh son of same, 11 years old on May 23 next, and Catherine, dau of same would be 9 on June 7 next.
- (2d) 1701, 29 Aug: Alice STRETCHLEY of the parish of St Mayries, White Chapell in the Co. of Lancaster made her will. "I give unto my Daughter Ann FOX three silver Spoons the great Silvr Tankard marked AS and one Silvr Tumbler of the middle size and all my wearing cloaths that came out of England this year from Mr ELLIS and my Plush Sadle. ... I give unto my Son in Law Capt Wm FOX all the rest residue & remarnder of what money is of mine in the hands of Mr Tho ELLIS of London Mercht Excepting and Reserved to the use of Edward AUDLEY (was Jno STRETCHLEY's nephew) one hundred pounds Sterling left him by my husband Mr Jno STRETCHLEY which I will that my sd Son Wm FOX see him paid of the sd money in ELLIS his? hands and in case of his death then the sd hundredpounds I give to my sd son Wm FOX as also all the rest of the money in his the sd ELLIS his hands Except what is bereby before bequeathed in full Leiu of and in full Satisfaction of any futher claims or Chalange to any other part or parcell of my sd estate."
- (1) Had no children.
- Reference: RootsWeb's WorldConnect - SmartCopy: Nov 1 2016, 7:49:43 UTC
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Ann Chichester's Timeline
1682 |
May 5, 1682
Morattico Creek, Lancaster County, Virginia
1729 |
December 10, 1729
Age 47
Lancaster County, Virginia