Angus of Bute & Arran

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Angus mac Sorley (1145 - 1210)

Scots Gaelic: Aonghas mac Somhairle
Also Known As: "Angus of Bute", "Angus of Arran", "Sumaralidasson"
Birthplace: Morven, Argyle, Scotland
Death: 1210 (60-69)
Isle of Skye, United Kingdom
Immediate Family:

Son of Somerled, “King of the Isles” and Ragnhildr Óláfsdóttir, of Man
Husband of wife of Angus of Bute & Arran
Father of James Macrory, Lord of Bute
Brother of Dougal MacRory, 1st of Dunollie and of Lorn; Ragnall mac Somhairle, Lord of the Isles; Olav; Gilliecolum mac Somairle and Bethoc, Prioress of Iona
Half brother of Gall "the Foreigner" mac Somairle

Occupation: Lord of Bute & Arran
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Angus of Bute & Arran

Angus, Lord of Bute and Arran was the son of Somerled, Thane of Argyll and Ragnhild. He inherited Bute, Arran and Gamoran, but lost these to his brother Ranald. He was killed, along with his three sons, by the men of Skye.

Children of Angus, Lord of Bute and Arran

  • James Macrory, Lord of Bute, d. 1210
  • son
  • son

"The surviving sons of Ragnhilda -- Ranald, Dugall, and Angus -- divided the bulk of Somerled's possessions between themselves. Angus, the younger, received a scattered patrimony comprising the 'rough bounds' of Garmoran -- Moidart, Morar, Knoydart, and Arisaig, to the north of Ardnamurchan, and also the islands of Arran and Bute. In 1192 he quarrelled with Ranald and defeated him in a battle, but in 1210 he was himself killed together with his three sons by the Norsemen of Skye who had invaded Moidart. His possessions were seized by Ranald's descendants, although his eldest son James had left an heiress Jane [Jean], who married Alexander, son of Walter Fitz-Alan the Steward. Through her the Stewarts prosecuted a claim to Arran and Bute -- which they eventually obtained after some resistance." (Williams, 127)

  • Engus, Angus, or Aonghus (ancestor of the McRuari or McRory)

c) ENGUS (-killed 1210). The Chronicon Manniæ et Insularum names “Dulgallum, Reginaldum, Engus et Olavum” as the four sons of “Sumerledo regulo Herergaildel” and his wife the daughter of Olav King of Man[356]. The Chronicon Manniæ et Insularum records that Engus, son of Somerled, defeated his brother Reginald in 1192, adding in a later passage that Engus was killed in 1210[357].


  • Charles Mosley, editor, Burke's Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage, 107th edition, 3 volumes (Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A.: Burke's Peerage (Genealogical Books) Ltd, 2003), volume 1, page 449. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 107th edition.
  • Chronicon Manniae et Insularum (Chronicle of Man and the Isles) - 1164-1225.* Ronald Williams, The Lords of the Isles (1984)
  • Wikipedia: Aonghas mac Somhairle
  • 1. SOMERLED (-killed in battle 1164). m --- of Man, illegitimate daughter of OLAV King of Man & his mistress ---. The Chronicon Manniæ et Insularum records that “Olavus filius Godredi Crovan” had many concubines by whom he fathered “filios tres…Reignaldum, Lagmannum et Haraldum et filias multas”, adding that one daughter married “Sumerledo regulo Herergaildel”[1024]. Balfour Paul names her "Ragnhildis" but he does not cite the corresponding primary source[1025]. Somerled & his wife had five children:
  • c) ANGUS (-killed 1210). The Chronicon Manniæ et Insularum names “Dulgallum, Reginaldum, Engus et Olavum” as the four sons of “Sumerledo regulo Herergaildel” and his wife the daughter of Olav King of Man[1029]. The Chronicon Manniæ et Insularum records that Engus, son of Somerled, defeated his brother Reginald in 1192, adding in a later passage that Engus was killed in 1210[1030]. Balfour Paul states that Angus inherited "Bute, with a part of Arran, and the Rough Bounds (Garmoran) extending from Ardnamurchan to Gleneig"[1031]. m ---. The name of Angus’s wife is not known. Angus & his wife had one child:
  • i) JAMES . Balfour Paul names James as son of Angus, but does not cite the corresponding primary source[1032]. Lord of Bute and Arran. m ---. The name of James’s wife is not known. James & his wife had [one child]:
  • (a) JEAN . Balfour Paul names Jean as daughter of James Lord of Bute and Arran, and records her marriage to Alexander Stewart, but does not cite the corresponding primary source[1033]. Andrew McEwen suggests that there is no evidence to indicate that the wife of Alexander Stewart was the daughter of James Lord of Bute[1034]. Heiress of the isles of Bute and Arran. m ALEXANDER Stewart High Steward of Scotland, son of WALTER FitzAlan High Steward of Scotland & his wife Beatrice of Angus (-1283).]

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Angus of Bute & Arran's Timeline

Morven, Argyle, Scotland
Bute, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Age 65
Isle of Skye, United Kingdom
Age 65