Hilletje Hendricks was married to Andries Barentsen before 03 April 1661. She remarried to Albert Jansen on 14 December 1664.
From http://boards.ancestry.com/surnames.van-20-nostrand/170/mb.ashx?pnt=1
page 1 of Baptismal and marriage registers of the old Dutch church of Kingston, Ulster County, New York by Kingston, N.Y. Reformed Dutch church. [from old catalog]; Hoes, Roswell Randall, 1850-1921, [from old catalog] ed Published 1891
Baptisms (93+3) by Domine Hermannus Blom, of Kingston. 4. 1661, Anna, baptized 3 April. Parents: Andries Barentsen, soldier; Hilletjen Hendricks. Witnesses and sponsors: Ttryntje Tyssen. Marretjen Hansen. Willem Pietersen. Hendrick Arentsen.
page 2 of Baptismal and marriage registers of the old Dutch church of Kingston, Ulster County, New York by Kingston, N.Y. Reformed Dutch church. [from old catalog]; Hoes, Roswell Randall, 1850-1921, [from old catalog] ed Published 1891
Annetjen, baptized 10 Sept. 1662. Daughter of Andries Barentsen & Hilletjen Hendricks. Witnesses & Sponsors: Hendrick Aersen. Roeloff Hendricksen. Femmetjen Hendricks. Saertje Jelles.
1640 |
Amsterdam, North Holland, The Netherlands
1660 |
Kingston, New Netherlands Colony
1661 |
April 3, 1661
Kingston, New Netherlands Colony
1662 |
September 10, 1662
Kingston, Ulster County, New Netherlands Colony
1663 |
June 1663
Age 23
Kingston, New Netherlands Colony