Matching family tree profiles for Amos Trueblood
Immediate Family
About Amos Trueblood
Notes taken from "The Trueblood Family in America" by Bula Trueblood Watson, copyright 1964.
"....Land Grant to John and Amos Trueblood, 1694
Know Ye that We have granted unto John Trueblood and Amos Trueblood, between them the s'd John Trueblood and Amos Trueblood to be holden severally a Tract of Land containing Six hundred Acres lying on the Westward side of the Northermost branch of Aranuse Creek in Pascotank prc. & Beginning at a Beech by the S & Branch side the corner tree of John Archdale Esq. thence up ye s'd (said and aforesaid) Branch by Various courses to a White Oak, then West twenty degrees North two hundred and eighty poles to a Gum, then South five degrees East three hundred forty six poles to a Maple, then East twenty degrees South three hundred and twenty poles to the first Station, To Hold Ye Giver from the first day of Janry 1694. Witness Ye Philip Ludwell, Tho. Harvey, Paul Akehurst, Francis Tomes, Thos. Pollock _____________________________________________________________ ...........................pg xvi
".....John (B-4) and Amos (B-5) grow to manhood before any recorded mention of them can be found. They, no doubt, were reared in the Quaker faith, since Thomas Symons (or Simons) and Jeremiah Symons were among the early Friends in Albemarle. The Friends, however, were not always able to hold their young people within their protective arm. Such must have been the case with John and Amos Trueblood since they are referred to in the original minutes of a Quaker meeting at Symons Meeting House as being "of the world." Thus, Catherine Cartwright marries John Trueblood and Elizabeth Cartwright marries Amos Trueblood in a double civil ceremony "before a Justice."
"...As previously noted, Elizabeth, together with her sister, Catherine, and her mother, Grace (Halley) Cartwright, were disowned from the Society of Friends in 1715 and 1716. Later, Elizabeth requested reinstatement, and Amos and their children asked to be taken under the care of the meeting at Symons Creek. According to E. Hicks Trueblood:
Elizabeth and her children and husband requested membership some time before 1738...for in the Journal of that eminent Friend Thomas Chalkley, he mentions holding meetings, "Third day of the week, being 13 of 4 mo., 1738 at JAcob Butlers, fifth day at Samuel Newbeys, first day at Little River, fourth day at Paspotanck and fifth day (21st 4mo 1738) at Amos Trueblood up Paspotanck River.
Witnesses to the Thomas and Grace (Halley) Cartwright wedding were Jeremiah and Thomas Symons, the men in whose charge John Trueblood left his four children in 1692. thus, it is understandable that John and Amos trueblood grew up to know, love, and marry the cartwright girls who were close neighbors.
Evidently, Amos and his family lived on the east side of the Pasquotank River, since the difficulty of their meeting with the Newbegun MM is recorded in the minutes:
1745, 10, 5. Because of difficulties of attending mtg. at Newbegun creek, mtg. allowed at Amos' (Trueblood) dwelling house.
Elizabeth and Amos Trueblood remained faithful members of the Society of Friends, although the previous item in the Quaker minutes indicates that he and his family moved south of the Narrows and belonged to Newbegun MM. Elizabeth preceded Amos in death, on 10-30-1757. Amos is recorded in the 1754 Tax List of Pasquotank Co.: "Amos Trueblood, & Negro Hannah- -2(polls; 1 white & 1 black)." He died 12-20-1759, at 67 years of age.
The last will and testament of Amos Trueblood, copied from the original records in the Elizabeth City Courthouse, gives an insight into the lives of the early Truebloods. The slave issue, which later will become the spark that bursts into the conflagration of the civil war, has not yet at this time burned into the consciences of Christians.
....wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life in manner and form as follows: viz: First I will that all my just debts and funeral expenses to be paid out if my estate in convenient time after my decease....I Amos Trueblood...Planter...give to my son Thomas Trueblood a Tract of Land and Plantation lying on Mill Creek in Pasq. Cty., being the place where he now dwells on which Thomas Cartwright, Sr., gave his daughter Elizabeth, The late wife of Amos Trueblood, containing one hundred thirty Acres...Also one negro girl named Lavinia...
...to Abel Trueblood...negro women Phillis & one negro girl named Pleasant & daughter of Rose... ...to Josiah Trueblood a Tract of Land & Plantation which I bought of Iro Riggs lying on Nobby Creek, estimated to contain ninety acres... ...Negro man called Nero...& Negro women called Indich....negro girl called Tilliah...
...to Joshua Trueblood...a parcel of Land & Plantation in Pasq. Cty., joining on the Way Tru Branch that I bought from Caleb Cowen...containing thirty Acres. Negro boy Saune..one Negro women Zep and child Phebe; also one called Hannah, dt. of Rose; the girl called Mirindy and...Patience, dt. of Rose. ...to my daughter Elizabeth Marian Symons I bequeth one Negro women Patricia...to my grandson John Symons, one negro boy called Bob & to my grandson Wm Overman one negro called Hannah, daughter of Patience...
...to Caleb Trueblood all my Land and Plantation which I bought of Robert Kingham on Little River in Pasq. Cty., containing one hundred eighty Acres... Also negro Boy called Charles, girl Pompsey, Hannah & daughter Patience & girl Doll...
Remainder of my Estate to be evenly divided among my Sons: Thomas, Abel, Josiah, Joshua, & Caleb... Signed Amos Trueblood (Seal)
Executors: Joshua Trueblood and Caleb Trueblood
Witnesses: Aaron Moris, Sam Newby, Jno. Morris
In Dec. Court, 1759; Registered 11th d. March 1762
From the will of Amos, which states that he owned land on Mill Creek which had been given to his wife, Elizabeth (Cartwright) Trueblood, by Thomas Cartwright, and from the Quaker records which tell of the disownment of Elizabeth in 1715, one may read into the words "diverse reasons" in the following deed for the sale of land by Amos to John Trueblood the subtle motive, perhaps, for his moving away from the Quakers of Symons Creek, who had disowned his wife, to Mill Creek, which is farther south and on the opposite side of Little River MH in Pasquotank County.
The sale of land by Amos Trueblood to John Trueblood in 1718 consisted of 300 acres on the Log Bridge Branch. The deed continues:
To all Actin People to whom these presents shall come Greetings in our Lord Everlasting. Now know that I Amos Trueblood...for divers reasons and consideration to me hereunto moving but more especially for the valuable consideration of fifty pounds to me in hand or secured to be paid by John Trueblood....
.....John and Amos Trueblood, the two sons of John and Agnes (Fisher) Trueblood, added to their 600 acres on the Arraneuse (Neuse) River. Their children and grandchildren continued to accumulate land and descendants until in 1790 the Census lists 18 Trueblood heads of families with 98 members of these families represented. From the Pasquotank records one notices that for the most part the Truebloods dwelt within the area of Pasquotank County which encompassed Flatty Creek north of Elizabeth City; Little River to the west and on south to Nixonton; and Newbegun, Symons, and Mill Creeks, which flow into the Pasquotank River. Only two families lived outside Pasquotank: Asa in Tyrell and William in Randolph County. No Truebloods lived in any other state in 1790."
.......................................................................... pg 2, 3
Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy [p.93] BIRTH AND DEATH RECORDS page 121 Amos Trublood d. 12-20-1759, about 67 yrs.
See copy of will at: http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~dbeeler/AmosTrue!will1759.... osTrueWill1759
See copy of land grant at: http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~dbeeler/JohnAmos1694Grant.... ndJohnAmos
Will of Amos Trueblood (1692-1759) son of John Trueblood and Agnes (Fisher) Trueblood written 14 July 1759. Recorded in Book HIK, page 176, Pasquotank County, NC. Amos was of the first generation of Truebloods born in America.
N. Carolina Pasquotank County
Know all men by these presents that I Amos Trueblood of the County and Province aforesaid Planter do make and ordain these presents to contain my last will and testment for the disposal for such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life in manner & form following (viz).First I will that all my just debts & funeral expenses be paid out of my estate in convenient time after my decease.
Imprimus I give to my son Thomas Trueblood a tract of land & plantation lying on Mill Creek in Pasquotank County being the place where he now lives, which Thomas Cartwright gave to his daughter Elizabeth the late wife of me the P. Amos, containing by estimation one hundred & thirty acres be the same more or less to him, his heirs & assigns forever. Also one Negroe girl called Levina with all her increase to him, his heirs & assigns forever.
Item I give to my son Abel Trueblood one Negroe woman called Phillis & one Negroe girl called Pleasant (daughter of Rose) with all the increase they shall happen to have after the date hereof to him his heirs & assigns forever.
Item I give to my son Josiah Trueblood a tract of land and plantation which I bought of John Riggs lying on Nobs Creek containing by estimation ninety nine acres more or less to him, his heirs & assigns forever; Also a Negroe man called Nero & a Negron woman called Judith and Negroe girl called Sillah, with all the increase they shall happen to have after the date hereof to him, his heirs& assigns for ever.
Item I give to my son Joshua Trueblood a parcel of land & plantation in Pasquotank County joyning on the Tray(?) Tree branch that I bought of Caleb Coen, containing by estimation thirty acres more or less to him, his heirs and assigns forever; also one Negroe boy named Savone(?) one Negroe woman called Rose & her child called Phebe , also one Negroe girl called Hannah, daughter of Rose, one Negroe girl called Mender(?) & one Negroe girl called Patience, daughter of Rose with all their increase they shall happen to have after the date hereof also two cows and calves to him, his heirs & assigns for ever.
Item I give to my Daughter, Miriam Overman, wife of John Overman six head of sheep to her & her disposal.
Item I give to my Grandaughter Elizabeth Symons one Negroe woman named Patience with her increase and to my Grandson John Symons one Negroe boy called bob and to my Grand Son William Overman one Negroe girl called Phill with her increase & to my Grandson James Overman one Negroe girl called Hannah Daughter of Patience(?) with her increase, and to the heirs of their bodies, only my will is that their Mother Miriam Overman shall have the use of the labor of these Negroes & their increase during the term of time of her natural life, and further it is my will & true intent and meaning that in case of the before mentioned grand children should happen to die childless or without heirs of their body that then the Negroe or Negroes herebygiven to them shall fall to be equally divided among the heirs of my body Exe(?)
Item I give to my son Caleb Trueblood all my Land & Plantation which I bought of Robert Kingham on Little River in Pasquotank County on which I now live, containing an estimation one hundred & eighty fore acres be it more or less to him, his heirs & assigns for ever; also one Negroe boy called Charles one Negroe boy called Pompy, one Negroe woman called Hannah, & her daughter called Patience & one Negroe girl called Doll, with all the increase they shall happen to have after the date hereof to him, his heirs & assigns for ever.
Item I give all the residue or remainder part of my estate to be equally divided between my Sons Thomas, Abel, Josiah, Joshua & Caleb Trueblood (word missing) them and their disposal.
Lastly I do hereby nominate my Sons Joshua & Caleb Trueblood Executors of this my last will and testament, hereby disannulling & disallowing all & every other former will or wills legacies bequests or Executors before this time by me named willed & bequeathed rattifieing & confirming this and no other to be my Last Will & Testament. In witness whereof I have here unto sett my hand and seal this Fourteenth Day of the 7th month called July One Thousand Seven and Fifty Nine.
Signed Sealed Published Pronounced and Declared by the P. Amos Trueblood to be his Last Will and Testament in the presence off
Amos Trueblood (SEAL)
Aaron Morris Samuel Newby John Morris (three words illegible)
File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/nc/pasquotank/wills/truebloo1549wl.txt
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The minutes of a Quaker monthly meetng wrote that John and Amos were "of the World" They married sisters of a respected Quaker family but did it in a double "civil" ceremony before a justice. As a consequence the two girls and their mother were all disowned by the Friends of the Symons Monthly Meeting where they had been members.
Before 1738 they were reinstated into the Friends Meeting and held meetings for a time in their home. It is recorded meetings were held in their home in April 1738. They remained faithful members of the Society of Friends and they moved south of the Narrows and belonged to the Newbegun MM. His will states that he owned slaves, this issue had not been addressed by the Society of Friends yet. From his will we see that he owned land at Mill Creek which had been given to his wife Elizabeth by her father Thomas Cartwright. John and Amos Trueblood added to their 600 acres on the Araneuse (Neuse) River. In 1718 Amos Trueblood sold John 300a on the Log Bridge Branch for 50 pounds. In the 1790 census there are 18 Trueblood heads of families and 98 members of these families. Pasquotank records the majority of the Truebloods. No Truebloods lived in any other state in 1790.
The last will and testament of Amos Trueblood, copied from the original records in the Elizabeth City Courthouse, gives an insight into the lives of the early Truebloods. The slave issue, which later will become the spark that bursts into the conflagration of the civil war, has not yet at this time burned into the consciences of Christians.
....wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life in manner and form as follows: viz: First I will that all my just debts and funeral expenses to be paid out if my estate in convenient time after my decease....I Amos Trueblood...Planter...give to my son Thomas Trueblood a Tract of Land and Plantation lying on Mill Creek in Pasq. Cty., being the place where he now dwells on which Thomas Cartwright, Sr., gave his daughter Elizabeth, The late wife of Amos Trueblood, containing one hundred thirty Acres...Also one negro girl named Lavinia...
...to Abel Trueblood...negro women Phillis & one negro girl named Pleasant & daughter of Rose...
...to Josiah Trueblood a Tract of Land & Plantation which I bought of Iro Riggs lying on Nobby Creek, estimated to contain ninety acres... ...Negro man called Nero...& Negro women called Indich....negro girl called Tilliah...
...to Joshua Trueblood...a parcel of Land & Plantation in Pasq. Cty., joining on the Way Tru Branch that I bought from Caleb Cowen...containing thirty Acres. Negro boy Saune..one Negro women Zep and child Phebe; also one called Hannah, dt. of Rose; the girl called Mirindy and...Patience, dt. of Rose.
...to my daughter Elizabeth Marian Symons I bequeth one Negro women Patricia...to my grandson John Symons, one negro boy called Bob & to my grandson Wm Overman one negro called Hannah, daughter of Patience...
...to Caleb Trueblood all my Land and Plantation which I bought of Robert Kingham on Little River in Pasq. Cty., containing one hundred eighty Acres... Also negro Boy called Charles, girl Pompsey, Hannah & daughter Patience & girl Doll...
Remainder of my Estate to be evenly divided among my Sons: Thomas, Abel, Josiah, Joshua, & Caleb...
Signed Amos Trueblood (Seal)
Executors: Joshua Trueblood and Caleb Trueblood
Witnesses: Aaron Moris, Sam Newby, Jno. Morris
In Dec. Court, 1759; Registered 11th d. March 1762
Amos Trueblood's Timeline
1692 |
January 20, 1692
Albemarle, Stanly County, North Carolina, United States
1716 |
Pasquotank, North Carolina
1720 |
January 20, 1720
Plantation beside the Pasquotank River, Pasquotank Precinct, Albemarle County, North Carolina
1722 |
April 30, 1722
Symon Creek, Pasquotank County, North Carolina
1724 |
February 10, 1724
Elizabeth City, Pasquotank, North Carolina, USA
1725 |
November 18, 1725
Pasquotank Precinct, Albemarle County, North Carolina
1726 |
Pasquotank, North Carolina, USA
1732 |
April 14, 1732
Elizabeth City, Pasquotank, North Carolina, British Colonial America