Immediate Family
half brother
half sister
half brother
About Amabel de Romley
AMABEL (-before 1201). The Cronicon Cumbriæ names “prima…Cecilia…secunda Amabilla…tertia Alicia” as the three daughters of “Willielmus”, son of “Doncani comes de Murrayse”, and his wife Alice, adding that Amabel received the honor of Egremont and married “Reginaldo de Lucy”, by whom he fathered “Amabillam et Aliciam, et successit Amabillæ Lambertus de Multon”, the latter being succeeded by “Thomas de Multon de Egremond”[709]. Co-heiress of her brother. Lady of Egremont and Copeland. The Testa de Nevill includes a writ of King John dated 1212 which records that "Robertus de Stutevill" held "villam de Thorpennoi de domino rege" in Cumberland which was "de baronia Alicie de Rumill" and that "Reginaldus de Lucy" had held the land "cum sorore predicte Alicie" and refused homage to "Philippi de Valoines, antecessoris predicti Roberti et uxoris sue"[710]. m (before 1162) REYNOLD de Lucy, [711][relative of RICHARD de Lucy, Justiciar of England] (-[1199/1200]). Keeper of Nottingham castle when it was burnt by Earl Ferrers in the rebellion of 1174[712].
Amabel de Romley's Timeline
1148 |
1170 |
Cumberland, England
1201 |
Age 53
Cumberland, England