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1. ALIX de Maurienne ([1166]-1174). Ralph de Diceto´s Ymagines Historiarum record in 1173 the betrothal of “Henricus rex Angliæ, Johanni filio suo cognomento sine terra” and “septenni filiam primogenitam Humberti comitis de Moriana...ex relicta Henrici Saxonis ducis”[250]. Her parentage is specified by Matthew of Paris when he records this betrothal. Although he does not name her, he calls her "filia primogenita"[251]. Benedict of Peterborough records the betrothal of "Humbertus comes de Mauriana…Aalis filiam suam majoram" and "rex…Johannis filii sui iunioris" at "Alvernium…Montem Ferratum" in 1173 before 2 Feb, and the agreement whereby John would inherit the county of Maurienne if Humbert had no sons by his wife[252]. The marriage contract between "Johanni filio Henrici…regis Angliæ" and "Humbertus comes Mauriensis et marchio Italiæ…filia…primogenita…Aalis" is dated 1173[253].
Betrothed (Auvergne 1173 before 2 Feb) to JOHN Prince of England, son of HENRY II King of England & his wife Eléonore Ctss d’Aquitaine (Beaumont Palace, Oxford 24 Dec 166 or 1167-Newark Castle, Lincolnshire 18/19 Oct 1216, bur Worcester Cathedral). He succeeded his brother King Richard I in 1199 as JOHN King of England.
Alicia, (1166–1178), betrothed to John of England [7]
Alix ou Alice, Adélaïde (1166 † 1174), promise à Jean d'Angleterre, futur roi, mais morte avant la cérémonie. Selon certaines sources, il semble qu'elle ait été l'aînée et peut être considérée comme héritière du comté. En effet, la dot était le comté de Savoie tout entier, puisque aucun héritier mâle ne pouvait reprendre la succession d'Humbert13 ;
Alice, (o Agnese, 1166 – 1174), promessa sposa di Giovanni Senzaterra, futuro re d' Inghilterra, come viene confermato dal documento n° 31 del Peter der Zweite, Graf von Savoyen, Markgraf in Italien, controfirmato da Guglielmo fratello del conte Umberto (Willelmus frater comitis)[30] e come riporta lo storico normanno, priore dell'abbazia di Bec e sedicesimo abate di Mont-Saint-Michel, Roberto di Torigni[31]; ma il matrimonio non ebbe luogo, per la precoce morte di Alice;
1166 |
Savoy, France
1174 |
Age 8