ALICE de Oilly . "Gaufridus de Mandeuile" confirmed "terre quam Aaliz mater mea…Ernulfus de Mandeuile pater meus" donated to Osney by undated charter[1556]. Her parentage is suggested by her son Geoffrey de Mandeville attesting a charter of his uncle Henry d'Oilly for Osney abbey in [1154][1557]. m ERNULF de Mandeville, son of GEOFFREY de Mandeville Earl of Essex & his wife Rohese de Vere (-1178).
ERNULF ([1120/25]-1178). Empress Matilda made various grants of property by charter dated to [1141/42] including a grant to "Ernulf de Mannavill" and service of knights "de comite Gaufredo patre suo"[691]. Son of Geoffrey according to Matthew Paris, who records his capture and exile after his father's death in 1144[692]. He held the manors of Highworth, Wiltshire and Kingham, Oxfordshire[693]. Geoffrey Earl of Essex confirmed grants of lands in Sawbridgworth by Warin FitzGerold camerarius regis and by his brother Henry to Robert Blund of London by charter dated to [1157/58], witnessed by "Roesia com matre mea, Eust[achia] com[itissa], Ernulfo de Mannavilla fratre meo, Willelmo filio Otuwel patruo meo…"[694]. Geoffrey Earl of Essex granted "terram de Caingeham" to "Ernulfo de Mandavilla fratri meo" by undated charter[695]. William Earl of Essex confirmed the donation of "villa de Kahingeham" to "Ernulfo de Mandavilla fratri meo" by undated charter, witnessed by "Comite Albrico, Simone de Bellocampo, Gaufrido de Say…"[696]. "Arnulfus de Mandeuilla" donated "villam de Chaingeham" to "Radulfo de Mandeuilla filio meo" by undated charter[697]. m ALICE de Oilly, daughter of ROBERT de Oilly of Hook Norton, Oxfordshire & his wife Edith Forne [of Greystoke, Cumberland]. "Gaufridus de Mandeuile" confirmed "terre quam Aaliz mater mea…Ernulfus de Mandeuile pater meus" donated to Osney by undated charter[698]. Her parentage is suggested by her son Geoffrey de Mandeville attesting a charter of his uncle Henry d'Oilly for Osney abbey in [1154][699]. Ernulf & his wife had three children:
a) GEOFFREY (-after [1190/94]). He attested a charter of his uncle Henry d'Oilly for Osney abbey in [1154][700]. "Gaufridus de Mandeuile" confirmed "terre quam Aaliz mater mea…Ernulfus de Mandeuile pater meus" donated to Osney by undated charter[701]. “Galfridus de Mandevila filius Galfridi de Mandevila” granted property to “Galfrido patri meo filio Arnulfi de Mandevila” for life by charter dated to [1190/94][702]. m ---. The name of Geoffrey’s wife is not known. Geoffrey & his wife had one child:
i) GEOFFREY . “Galfridus de Mandevila filius Galfridi de Mandevila” granted property to “Galfrido patri meo filio Arnulfi de Mandevila” for life by charter dated to [1190/94], witnessed by “Roberto de Mandavilla, Radulfo fratre eiusdem…Hugone de Mandevilla”[703]. Ancestor of the MANDEVILLE family of Highworth, extinct in the male line after 1291[704].
b) RALPH de Mandeville of Kingham . "Arnulfus de Mandeuilla" donated "villam de Chaingeham" to "Radulfo de Mandeuilla filio meo" by undated charter[705].
c) MATILDA de Mandeville . "Adam de Port" notified the bishop of Lincoln of his grant to the church of "Hattele" by undated charter, witnessed by "Herndaldo de Mandeville et domina Alicia uxore sua, domina Matiltide uxore dicti Adæ de Port, Henrico de Port fratre eiusdem, Galfrido de Mandeville"[706]. m ADAM de Port, son of ---.
Robert D'Oilly and Edith Fone had 3 children:
Henry, Gilbert & Alice (note Alice not Edith)
ALICE de Oilly . The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. m ARNULF de Mandeville, son of GEOFFREY de Mandeville Earl of Essex & his wife Rohese de Vere (-1178).
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ possible name variations:
d'Oilly,Doyley, de Oyley, de Oilly, de Oilly, d'Oyley
1124 |
Hook Norton, Oxfordshire, England
1155 |
Kingham, Oxfordshire, England (United Kingdom)
1165 |
Age 41
Wallingford, Oxfordshire, England (United Kingdom)
1992 |
April 21, 1992
Age 41
August 22, 1992
Age 41
???? | |||
???? |