Alice Eggleston - Partridge - McCloud

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Alice Eggleston - Partridge - McCloud (Fidoe) (1770 - 1819)

Death: January 1819 (48-49)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of NN Fidoe and Jane ({unknown}) Fidoe - Girdler, Convict "Lady Juliana" 1790
Wife of George Eggleston [Convict "Alexander" 1788]; James Partridge and Neil McCloud
Sister of Elizabeth Fidoe, Convict "Lady Julianna" 1790

Immigration to Australia: Convict "Lady Juliana" 1790
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Alice Eggleston - Partridge - McCloud

Alice FIDOE was born c1770

Alice was convicted of receiving stolen property (with Elizabeth SEINE, James SEINE (brother to Elizabeth) Ann HARPER & Margaret WILLIAMS) and sentenced to 14 years transportation. She arrived in Sydney Cove on 3/6/1790 on "Lady Juliana", her mother and sister were also on this ship (Elizabeth FIDOE and Jane Elizabeth FIDOE).

Alice was sent to Norfolk Island where she had a relationship George EGGLESTONE

In July 1794 Alice and George returned to Sydney and in October 1795 George returned to Norfolk Island without Alice.

Alice had a relationship with James PARTRIDGE in 1800

Alice had a relationship/marriage with Neil McCLOUD c1806

Alice died January 1819


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