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Birthplace: Northumberlandshire, UK
Death: circa 714 (70-88)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Ōswīg, King of Northumbria and Rhieinfellt verch Royth
Wife of Peada, king of Southern Mercia
Sister of Ecgfrið, king of Northumbria; Ælfwine, Sub-king in Deira; Osfrith and Osthryth
Half sister of Aldfrith, king of Northumbria

Managed by: Paul Douglas Van Dillen
Last Updated:

About Alchflaed

  • Alchfled of Northumbria


  • Oswy King of Northumbria

born about 0612

died 15 February 0669/70


  • Riemmelth (Rhiainmelt) verch Rhoeth


Alfrith of Northumbria


  • Peda of Mercia


  • Koneswitha of Mercia

biographical and/or anecdotal:

notes or source:

Bede, describing Peada as "an excellent youth, and most worthy of the title and person of a king", wrote that he sought to marry Alchflaed, the daughter of King Oswiu of Northumbria; Oswiu, however, made this conditional upon Peada's baptism and conversion to Christianity, along with the Middle Angles (Peada was, at this time, still a pagan, like his father). Bede says that Peada eagerly accepted conversion:

When he heard the preaching of truth, the promise of the heavenly kingdom, and the hope of resurrection and future immortality, he declared that he would willingly become a Christian, even though he should be refused the virgin; being chiefly prevailed on to receive the faith by King Oswy's son Aifrid, who was his relation and friend, and had married his sister Cyneburga, the daughter of King Penda.

Ælfflæd (?) (1)

F, #173788, b. 654, d. between 713 and 714

Last Edited=12 Nov 2005

Consanguinity Index=3.13%

    Ælfflæd (?) was born in 654. (1) She was the daughter of Oswiu, King of Northumbria and Eanflæd (?). (1) 

She died between 713 and 714. (1)

    Ælfflæd (?) was a nun. (1)

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Alchflaed's Timeline

Northumberlandshire, UK
Age 79