( - after 1284)
She was mentioned as Albreda Biseth in 1216.
Albreda or Isabel Biseth married William D'Aubigne Brito IV, son of William D'Aubigne (de Belvoir) and Margery de Umfraville.
Albreda died after 1284.
Child of Albreda or Isabel Biseth and William D'Aubigne Brito IV
* Isabel D'Aubigne+ b. b 12 Jun 1233, d. 15 Jun 1301
From: Phil Moody To: bev@barney.org Sent: Sunday, September 15, 2002 5:22 PM Source: GEN-MEDIEVAL-L@rootsweb.com Subject: Re: Alan Fitz Roland's three marriages
Dear Group:
This thread holds some interest to me; so I will add something which may be salient to the discussion. John the Constable had a full sister named Albreda, who appears to have married Henry Biset, the son of William Carpentarius Biset and Susanna (unknown), whose parents were William Biset and Hawise (possibly of Wigmore). As there is erroneous information concerning which Henry Biset married the sister of John the Constable, as some incorrectly believe this Henry was the son of Manasser; I will quote Trevor Fould in full.
Rosie Bevan kindly sent me a few pages from "The Thurgarton Cartulary", edited by Trevor Foulds, and I will quote charter 419 (pg. 250-251) in full:
"Confirmation by Henry Bisset to Thurgarton of one bovate which William of Allington held of Hugh de Chesney in Saxondale and which Hugh gave to Thurgarton (before 1212).
(fo. 54) Omnibus sancte etc., Henricus Biset salutem. Noveritis me divine pietatis intuitu concessisse et presenti carta mea confirmasse Deo et beato Petro de Thurg' et canonicis ibidem Deo servientibus unam bovatam terre cum tofto et earum pertinenciis quas Willelmus de Adelington' de Hugone de Caysneto in villa de Saxendale tenuit quas idem Hogo eisdem canonicis sicut carta ipsius testatur dedit et carta sua confirmavit. Hanc autum concessionum et confirmacionem meam eisdem canonicis feci pro salute anime mee et heredem meorum et pro anima Willelmi carpentarii patris mei et matris mei Susanne et pro anima Albree Biset uxoris mee et pro animabus antecessorum meorum. Hiis testibus, etc. Signum: an asterisk. [I would conjecture a Mullet-PLM]
Date: Henry Bisset son of William the Carpenter was dead by 1212.
Notes: Henry son of Manasser Bisset possibly married a certain Isolda though this is not clear. Avicia widow of William Bisset claimed land in Northamptonshire in 1221. In 1223 Isolda Bisset then wife of Almaric de St Amand sought her dower in Kidderminster (Worcs.), and was described as as the widow of William Bisset, brother of John Bisset, the sons of Henry Bisset (Maitland, Bracton's Notebook, 1550, 1580). This may be an error for Isolda was holding part of the Bisset barony in 1212 and William Bisset did not come of age until after 1212 (Book of Fees i, 74, 75, 141,336). John constable of Chester (died 1190) gave to Lenton any first draft of smelts after that of his steward in his fishery of Chilwell (Notts.) and whatsoever God should bestow in any way of fish. This was witnessed by Henry Bisset and his wife Albreda de Lisurs (Thoroton ii, 180). Albreda was the sister of John the constable of Chester and their mother was Albreda de Lisurs daughter of Robert de Lisurs and Albreda daughter of Robert son of Ilbert I de Lascy. Henry Bisset son of William the Carpenter therefore was connected by marriage to two of the most powerful families in the north. Joseph Hunter cited a charter from an original copied by Dodsworth in which John the constable of Chester granted to Henry Bisset forty-eight acres in North Elmsall with lands at Marton and Plumtree (Yorks.) for a park, and all of Harworth (Notts.) in free marriage with his sister Albreda daughter of Richard fitz Eustace. Without any justification or good evidence Hunter then gave a pedigree of the descendants of Henry son of Manasser Bisset. On 1 March 1326 the inquisition post mortem was taken of John Bisset who died holding land in North Elmsall and Thweng of Pontefract; that is of the constable of Chester's part of the Lascy lands (Cal. IPM iv, 643). John did not hold Harworth at his death and earlier in the thirteenth century this was held by Albreda of Bassingbourne, Henry Bisset's kinswoman. Therfore Henry Bisset's lands had probably been divided at his death and John Bisset (died 1326) was a descendant of a kinswoman of Henry, but not of the descendants of Manasser Bisset's grandson, John Bisset. Henry Bisset had another daughter Amabilia. In 1201 Henry Bisset and John son of Archard of Sproxton (Yorks.) paid 1 mark for an agreement before the barons of the exchequer by which Archard granted his son John land in Coleby and Pickwell, and 15s. rent from a mill in Sessibi to hold of Henry. Land in Oxedune, which was held of Clare, was given to Amabilia daughter of Henry Bisset as her dower, whom John married (PR 3 John, 240). Thus it is probable that Henry Bisset's lands were divided by two daughters. Albreda Bisset, his widow, then appears to have married William of Belvoir (412). End Quote.
This appears to be compeling proof, that Albreda de Lisures did marry Henry Bisset, son of William "the carpenter" Bissett, and not Manasser, as some have conjectured. Curiously, John the constable's mother and sister were both named Albreda de Lisures; which can only add to the confusion. Henry Biset did have two daughters, then Albreda would surely be the oldest, and Amabilia the youngest, and we see from the evidence, that Amabilia was married in 1201, and surely her sister Albreda was married before she was herself. This being the case, I'm not convinced that Henry's widow married William of Belvoir, and I'm more inclined to posit Henry's daughter Albreda, rather than the elderly Albreda (de Lisures) Bisset as the spouse of a young William IV of Belvoir.
Best Wishes, Phil
1180 |
March 1180
Leicestershire, England (United Kingdom)
1233 |
Belvoir Castle, Belvoir, Leicestershire, England
1285 |
Age 104
Leicestershire, England (United Kingdom)