Immediate Family
About Akiva Frankfurter-Gugenheim
NOTE: On the Ele Toldot record he is referred to as Akiva Frankfurter, and his father as 'Lehrer' Yakov (i.e. Yakov the teacher). For some reason unknown to me his pedigree (going all the way back to Akiba Guggenheim in 1380) has been christened as a Guggenheim line. Can someone explain? Could it be because one of his sons (Joseph Akiba Gugenheim) began using Guggenheim as a surname? If so, then that is where the Guggenheim name should begin and should not be applied retrospectively to earlier generations. (04 JAN 2025)
Also Known As:<_AKA> Akiba /Guggenheim/
Pascal Faustini:
"zur Flasche", then "zur Fraube", then "zur Schule" after 1587
mentioned in numerous sources 1549-1597
Rabbi, teacher and predicator, he is known as the "Gaon, the Great Master Akiba Frankfurter"
ou Akiba/Kiva "of Frankfurt"
marié entre 1550 et 1555 avec Ella Günzburg, décédée en 1594, puis en 1595 avec Frummet Günzburg
ancêtre des Guggenheim
Gaon the great master, scholar, liturgical poet, rabbi and preacher of the Frankfurt community (possibly also in Prague)
Here is the situation with those older Neuss folks who moved from Prague to Frankfurt: There was a statement published somewhere that Rabbi Akiva Frankfurter explained his decision to move to Frankfurt as being that his uncle, the official shochet, had died, and that Akiva took over his position and also arranged for the care of the uncle’s orphans. We looked for years and years for this man, but because the printed source claimed that the year was 1550, nothing fit. This was doubly frustrating because the orphans were all named (but not their father) and because there was no explanation given of why Akiva’s father was also living in Frankfurt. That part we just ignored, assuming that Akiva was giving his own curriculum vitae and that his father and he moved to Fft at different times.
The big breakthrough came when we got a copy of the Frankfurt pinkas, which had all of the information, including the schochet uncle’s name (Getz) and the revelation that the year was not 1550, but shortly before 1563!
Utsr HaRabanim # 16793 (N.Z. Friedman, 1973, Tel Aviv)
לפי נפתלי ווקשטיין
According to Naftali Walkstein
About רבי עקיבא פרנקפורט, מפפד"מ(קרוי בשם עקיבא נוישא) (עברית)
מפד"מ. נקרא גם בשם: רבי עקיבא נוישא נפטר בשנת ה'שנ"ז נקבר בפפד"מ (הוספד ע"י המהר"ל מפראג, ההספד נדפס בתוך כתבי המהר"ל)
נשא בזיווג ראשון את מרת עלא,לאחר מותה,נישא לאחותה:פרימט
מצאצאי ר' עקיבא הכהן-הנשיא מאובן
Akiva Frankfurter-Gugenheim's Timeline
1525 |
1555 |
Frankfurt Am Main, Hessen-Nassau, Preussen
1597 |
Age 72
Frankfurt am Main, Hessen-Nassau, Preussen
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