Lairds and gentlemen: A study of the landed families of the Eastern Anglo-Scottish Borders c.1540-1603 Vol 2 pp 55-8 & 118-9
Agnes Kerr is the daughter of Walter Kerr of Cessford and Agnes Kerr.
Agnes Kerr, here treated, married Sir John Edmonstone of that Ilk and Ednam.Exchequer Rolls of Scotland, 1557-1567: p.536
17 March 1564-65: Roxburgh. Vicecomes respondebit pro 2d. argenti per duplicationem albefirme terrarum et baronie de Ednem, cum molendino eorundem, tenentibus, tenandriis, advocatione et donatione hospitalis de Ednem etc, jacentium infra balliam suam, regine debitis per sasinam datam Johanni Edmanstoun ; exoeptis illis quadraginta marcatis earundem que prins fuerunt Edwardi Hume, burgensis de Edinburgh, hereditarie, que nunc existunt in manibus Eufamie Wauchope, relicte quondam Johannis Edmanstoun de eodem, domine conjuncte infeodationis earundem, reservato tamem vitali redditu unius annui redditos quadraginta librarum monete Scotie annuatim percipiendi etc ad duos anni terminos oonsuetos etc., Penthecostes etc., de terris et baronia de Ednem, molendino ejusdem, et una tenandria de Ednem etc. Agneti Ker, spouse dicti Johannis Edmanstoun, junioris, pro toto tempore vite sue. Edinburgh, 17 March. Exchequer Rolls of Scotland, 1557-1567: p.536
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Cessford Castle, St. Boswell's, Roxburghshire, Scotland
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