Immediate Family
About Adeline d'Espec
As of 15 March 2022, this profile's existence is in its 15th year. This overview contains nice information. As to a marriage and children for Piers de Ros and Adeline d'Espec, however, no one has yet posted a primary or secondary source to validate it.
Adeline Espec
(say 1090 - before 1157)
Adeline Espec|b. s 1090\nd. b 1157|
Some charters of the Ros fee. The charters printed in the present chapter relate mainly lands forming part of the fee of Helmsley, which was inherited by the Ros family by reason of the marriage of Peter de Ros with Adeline, one of the three sisters and coheirs of Walter Espec; and they include some documents relating to Kirkham priory, one of the religious houses which Walter himself had founded. A large number of charters relating to lands of the Helmsley fee is available in the printed edition of the Rievaulx Chartulary; and some other charters, including the original confirmation by Robert de Ros 1 of his uncle Walter Espee's charter to Rievaulx abbey,' and a few relating to Birdsall,2 have been printed or calendared by the Historical Manuscripts Commission.
Walter Espec was one of the most distinguished of the northern barons during the first half of the twelfth century. The leading part which he took in the battle of the Standard in 1138 is recorded by Ailred; and he founded the house of Augustinian canons at Kirkham in or about 1122, the Cistercian abbey of Rievaulx in 1132, and, as a daughter house, Wardon abbey, co. Bedford, in or about 1135.
He inherited the lands which later formed the honour of Wardon from William Spech, who held them at the Domesday survey; and, although there is no evidence of the actual relationship, there can be no doubt that he was related to William.
In the period 1114-29 he is mentioned as acting or potentially acting on the king's behalf. At Easter 1121 he was among the northern magnates at Durham, when the monks of Durham renewed their claim to the church of Tynemouth.6 References to pleas heard before him and Eustace FitzJohn in Yorkshire, Northumberland and Carlisle, are recorded on the Pipe Roll for 1130; and charters of Henry 1 were addressed to him, usually with Eustace Fitz.john and sometimes with the barons or ministers of Yorkshire, in the last decade of his reign.8
He witnessed archbishop Thurstan's charter to the men of Beverley, 1115-28;9 several of Henry 1 in the period c. 1119-1135, ....
Adeline Espec was born say 1090 at England. She was the youngest of the three sisters & coheirs of Walter Espec, Lord of Helmsley and of Wark, Northumberland.
She was the daughter of William Speche.
Adeline Espec married Piers or Peter de Ros before 1109.\
Adeline died before 1157.
Children of Adeline Espec and Piers or Peter de Ros
* Everard de Ros b. b 1109, d. c 1153
* Robert de Ros+ b. b 1125, d. c 1162
Robert de Ros
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
When King John came to the throne, he gave Ros the barony of his great-grandmother's father, Walter d'Espec.
Piers married Adeline D' ESPEC, daughter of Walter D' ESPEC Lord of Helmesley and Adeline DE BEAUCHAMP 895. (Adeline D' ESPEC was born about 1091 in Helmesley Castle, North Riding Yorkshire, England and died before 1153 7927.)
Adeline d'Espec's Timeline
1087 |
Helmsley, Yorkshire, England (United Kingdom)
1124 |
Helmsley, Yorkshire, England (United Kingdom)
1127 |
Edlington, Yorkshire, England
1157 |
Age 70
Helmsley, Yorkshire, England (United Kingdom)
???? |
Helmsley, Yorkshire, England