Historical records matching Adelheid Friedmann
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Immediate Family
About Adelheid Friedmann
- Date/place of birth identified in Siegfried Wolf. Juden in Thüringen 1933-1945: Biographische Daten. (2000), vol. 1 p 135
- Identified as sister of Lothar Braunschild and Lina Fleischmann (née Braunschild) in Peter Franz, Udo Wohlfeld, Jüdische Familien in Apolda: Diffamierung, Ausgrenzung, Entrechtung, Vertreibung, Deportation, Vernichtung, Ungehorsam; die Apoldaer Judenheit während des Faschismus, 2006, p. 171
- Identified as wife of Max Friedmann whom she married on 26 April 1904 in Würzburg., see Wolf.
- Aldelheid Friedmann was a resident of Jena from 1904 until 1941, when she and Max were forced to move to Apolda to live with her sister, Lina. See https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_der_Stolpersteine_in_Apolda
- In Jena, Max and Adelheid ran a Lebensmittelgeschäft/grocery store at various addresses.
- Stolpersteine were laid for Max and Adelheid Friedmann in Apolda in 2008; see https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_der_Stolpersteine_in_Apolda Entry in German National Archives, Memorial Book':
Friedmann, Adelheid
née Braunschild
born on 02nd May 1881 in Gaukönigshofen / Ochsenfurt / Bayern
resident of Ochsenfurt and Apolda
from Weimar-Leipzig
10th May 1942, Belzyce, ghetto
Majdanek or Sobibor
Date of death: 1943
Place of death: Majdanek or Sobibor
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Adelheid Friedmann's Timeline
1881 |
May 2, 1881
Gaukönigshofen, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany
1943 |
Age 61
Majdanek or Sobibor, Occupied Poland