The Beckwiths" (1891) http://www.archive.org/details/thebeckwiths00beck http://www.archive.org/stream/thebeckwiths00beck#page/39/mode/1up Adam Beckwith de Clint, 37, married Elizabeth de Malebisse, 4, Richard 2d. Sir William Beckwith. 38, de Clint, Knight, married the daughter of Sir John Baskerville. Thomas Beckwith of Clint, 43, Lord of a one-third part of Fily, Muston and Thorp; he died 10th year of Henry 7th; he married the daughter and heiress of William Heslerton, heiress of a one-third part of the manors of Filey, Muston and Thorp, inherited from Havisia, daughter and heiress of Ralph Neville, above mentioned. 44. Thomas of Clint; married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Ingleby, of Ripley; died without issue. 45. Sir William. ' 46. John. http://archive.org/stream/thebeckwiths00beck#page/41/mode/1up 47. Adam; married Amye, daughter of William Redman of Harewood Castle. 48. Robert. 49. Ellen; married J. Vavasour of Weston, Co. York. 50. Joan; married Falkner, Esq. Sir William Beckwith, 45, of Clint; Knight in 1481; married twice; his second wife was the daughter of Sir John Rattcliff, K. G.; by his first wife, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William Plumpton, he had the following children: ..... ' John Beckwith, 46, married the daughter of Thomas Radcliff of Mulgrave. 53. Thomas of Clint. 54. Robert of Broxholme. Thomas Beckwith of Clint, 53, heir to his uncle, Sir William Beckwith of Clint, married Mary, daughter of Sir Henry Pudsey of Bassford and Bolton, Richmondshire. ___________________________ THIS REFERENCE SEEMS TO HAVE LEFT OUT ADAM BECKWITH WHO IS LISTED IN OTHER REFERENCES AS THE SON OF THOMAS & ? SAWLEY AND FATHER OF WILLIAM WHO MARRIED THE DAU. OF JOHN BASKERVILLE 'A genealogical and heraldic History of the Commoners of Great ..., Volume 2 By John Burke http://books.google.com/books?id=0I9AAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA115&lpg=PA115&dq... Pg. 636 SIR WILLIAM BECKWITH, knt. of Clint, m. a daughter of Sir John Baskerville, knt. and was s. by his son, THOMAS BECKWITH, who wedded a daughter of Sir William Haslerton, knt. and in her right was lord of the third part of the manors of Filey Maston, and Thorp. He had issue, I. THOMAS, who m. Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William Ingilby, knt. of Ripley, but d. s. p. in 1478. II. WILLIAM (Sir), who m. first Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William Plompton, knt. of Plompton, and by her had one son, William, who married Janetta, daughter of William Beckwith, of Clint, but d. s. p. in 1476. Sir William espoused, secondly, a daughter of Sir William Radcliffe, K. G. but had no other issue. ' III. JOHN, of whom presently. Pg. 637 IV. Adam, who m. Ayme, daughter of William Redman, of Harewood Castle, but d. without issue. V. Robert, who m. Barbara, daughter of John Leventhorp, and had, with a daughter Mary, a son, .... I. Ellen, m. to John Vavasor, of Weston (see vol. i. p. 53). This lady made her will 2nd HENRY VII. II. Joan, m. to Thomas Althere. The third son, ' JOHN BECKWITH, esq. espoused a daughter of Thomas Radcliffe, esq. of Mulgrave, and had two sons, viz. I. THOMAS, heir to his uncle Sir William Beckwith, m. Maud, daughter of Henry Pudsey, esq. of Richmondshire, and had, with six younger sons and two daughters, .... II. ROBERT, with whom we proceed. ROBERT BECKWITH, esq. of Boxholm, was father of ..... _____________________ 'The history of the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations (Volume 8). http://www.ebooksread.com/authors-eng/thomas-williams-bicknell/the-... (XI) Sir William Beckwith, son of Adam Beckwith, married a daughter of Sir John Baskerville, a descendant of English and French ancestry, who traced his lineage to the Emperor Charlemagne. (XII) Thomas (2) Beckwith, son of Sir William Beckwith. was of Clint, and married a daughter of William Heslerton. He died in 1495. ' (XIII) John Beckwith, son of Thomas (2) Beckwith, married a daughter of John Radclift, of Mulgrave. (XIV) Robert Beckwith, of Broxholm, son of John Beckwith, was living at the above mentioned place in 1468. ______________________ 'John Bailey Beckwith, M.D., of Smithfield, NC: A Biographical Sketch with Genealogy of the ... (1893) http://www.archive.org/details/johnbaileybeckw00beckgoog http://www.archive.org/stream/johnbaileybeckw00beckgoog#page/n26/mo... 13. SIR WILLIAM BECKWITH, Of Clint, Knight, eldest son of Adam (12) ; married a daughter of Sir John Baskerville. (See page 49). 14. SIR THOMAS BECKWITH, Of Clint, and by marriage Lord of one-third part of the manors of Filey-maston and Thorpe ; married a daughter and co-heiress of Sir William Heslerton, co-heiress to the said manors of Fileymaston and Thorpe, derived from Havisia, daughter and co-heiress of Ralph de Neville, one of the great and powerful Norman barons (see page 49). Sir Thomas died tenth year of Henry VII. ; issue, five sons, surviving. Thomas, the eldest son, and Adam, the fourth son, died without issue. The second son, Sir William, succeeded to the title, and had issue, but his line became extinct in the next generation. Robert, the fifth son, married the daughter of Lawenthorp and was the ancestor of the greater portion of the English branch of the Beckwith family. Many of his descendants have filled high and important public offices, and their names figure prominently in the military, judicial and civil annals of England. (See pages 28 to 31). '15. JOHN BECKWITH, ' Third son of Thomas, of Clint (14), married a daughter of Thomas Ratcliff, Esq., of Mulgrave, and had issue — two sons. Thomas, the elder, was heir to his uncle, Sir Wil- http://www.archive.org/stream/johnbaileybeckw00beckgoog#page/n27/mo... liam Beckwith, of Clint ; Robert, of Broxholm, the second son, succeeded his father. 16. ROBERT BECKWITH, Of Broxholm, Yorkshire, second son and heir of 'John (15)', living eighth year Edward IV., was succeeded by an only son, .....
1467 |
Clint, North Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
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