Absalom W. Lott

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Absalom W. Lott

Birthplace: Edgecombe, Edgecombe County, North Carolina, British Colonial America
Death: 1825 (66-67)
Marion County, Mississippi, United States
Immediate Family:

Son of John Lott, Jr. and unknown wife of John Lott
Husband of Martha "Patsy" Jane Lott
Father of Elizabeth Watts; Jacob Lott, Sr; Phillip Lott; Frances Lucretia “Patsy” Lott and Joshua Lott
Brother of Solomon Lott; John A. Lott, founder of Marion, MS; Daniel Lott; Nathan Gash Lott, Sr.; Mark Lott and 3 others

Managed by: Denis Troy Anderson
Last Updated:

About Absalom W. Lott


Absolom Lott was born in 1758 in Edgecombe, Edgecombe, North Carolina, United States. His parents were John Lott and his wife.

Absalom married Martha Jane Lott. Together they had the following children: Elizabeth Watts; Phillip Lott; Frances Lucretia Hatten; Joshua Lott; Primary Sourced Children Needing Profiles:: , Johnnie Major Lott, Abraham Lott, Arthur Lott, William M Lott, Nathan Meggs Lott, Alfred Lott, Absalom Lott, Jr.<br/>

He died in 1825 in Marion, Mississippi, United States.

Absalom Lott Birth: 1746 - North Carolina Death: 1825

Parents: John Lott, Elizabeth Lott (born Joyner)

Siblings: James Lott, Solomon Lott, Luke Lott, John Lott, Daniel Lott, Jesse Lott, Arthur Lott, Mark Lott, Mary Lott, William Lott, Sarah Lott, Nathan Lott, Joshua Lott

Wife: Martha Jane Lott (born Lightfoot)

Children: Elizabeth Lott, Johnnie Major Lott, Abraham Lott, Arthur Lott, William M Lott, Phillip Lott, Nathan Meggs Lott, Frances Lucretia Lott, Alfred Lott, Absalom Lott

12. Absalom3 Lott (John2, John1); born circa 1758 NC (He was apparently one of the three children in his father's household in West Florida in 1778, and must have come of age shortly after this time as he signed an oath to Spain there in 1780); married Martha Jane (Lightfoot, dtr of Thomas Lightfoot) circa 1779 (Lott Family Group Sheets. She gave birth, marriage, and death date estimates. She included children Frances Lucretia, Jesse, Alfred, Johnnie Major, and Arthur, but does not have documentation for relationship) (Letters, Miklas to Barron.); died circa 1825 MS.

He was a witness when Arthur Lott drew up a promissory note [probably in British West Florida] which said three months after date I promise to pay Absalom Lott [2400] Spanish mill dollars for value received with Arthur Lott on 10 Jun 1778 (Superior Court Papers, Montgomery Co., GA.). He lived on 17 Mar 1780 Mobile, West Florida (said Absolom Lott on list of settlers in Spanish Mobile on Tombigbee River who signed oath of allegience) (Winston De Ville, "Early Anglo-Americans in the Deep South: Mobile, Alabama in 1780," The Genealogical Helper 37 # 1 (Jan-Feb 1983). Hereinafter cited as "Early Anglo-Americans".). He received a land grant on 4 Dec 1786 Washington Co., GA, said received two 100 ac headright warrants (Warren and Jones, Geo Gov & Council Jour, p 58.). He lived on 9 Jan 1791 Montgomery Co., GA (said Absalom Lott served on petit jury) (Dwyer, Montgomery Co., GA Jury Lists, p 2.). He executed a deed on 7 Aug 1792 Washington Co., GA (said Absalom Lott and Martha to Hassill 300 ac on Great Ohoopee Ri) (Letters, Miklas to Barron.). He said he lost 10 cattle to Indian depredation in 1793 GA (Thraxton (ed), Geo Indian Depredations, p 713.). He won a law suit in Nov 1799 Montgomery Co., GA, against Arthur Lott Esq. He executed a judgement against Arthur Lott on 10 May 1800 Montgomery Co., GA (Arthur Lott's property was inventoried and sold for $3850 plus court costs to satisfy a judgement against him of $4800 included 10 negroes, 200 head of cattle, 50 head of hogs, 20 head of sheep 7 head of horses, 300 acres of land on Oconee River, and household goods) (Superior Court Papers, Montgomery Co., GA.). He lived in 1802 Tattnall Co., GA (shown on tax roll) (Anonymous, Geo. Tax Digests, p 49.). He lived in 1805 Tattnall Co., GA (shown on tax roll) (Anonymous, Geo. Tax Digests, p 53.). He executed a deed on 10 Feb 1810 Tattnall Co., GA (transcribed from Deed Book A, p 187, Telfair Co., GA, said I Absolom Lott do give to my beloved daughter Elizabeth Watts a Negro woman). He lived in Jul 1813 MS Terr (said on list of settlers e. of Pearl River with no claim on Pascagoula River) (U.S. Congress, American State Papers, vol 3, p 37.). He appeared on the census of 1816 Marion Co., MS Terr (Absalam 2m>21,3m<21,1f>21,1f<21,6 s). He appeared on the census of 1820 p. 17, Covington Co., MS (Absolom Lott 001101-00101 (age>45), 6 slaves).

Martha Jane (--?--) (her surname is thought by many to be Lightfoot and there are persistent legends of Indian ancestry / Pamunkey Lightfoot married Arawak Barbados Vann) was born before 1775 (On 1820 census she was listed as >45 years old). She also went by the name of Patsy.

Children of Absalom3 Lott and Martha Jane (Lightfoot) were as follows:

+ 47. i. Elizabeth4 Lott, born between 1771 and 1780; married Thomas Watts.

48. ii. Frances Lucretia Lott (Lott, Wayne H. 1983. A Quest for Lott Family Information. The Lott Family Newsletter 1(2):42. Gave names of parents); born circa 1784 SC (Letters, Miklas to Barron.); married William Hatten circa 1822 MS (Dorothy Wheat, "Frances Lucretia (Patsy) Lott," e-mail message from Wheat, Dorothy (rlwheat@earthlink.net) to GenForum, 3 Aug 1998, said married William Hatten in Mississippi around 1822. Hereinafter cited as "Patsy Lott".).

She also went by the name of Patsy Lott but this may have been a confusion between her and her mother since Patsy was the common nickname for Martha. She was said to be a Chotaw Indian princess from MS, however, this legend appears to be a confusion between Frances Lucretia and her mother who was also said to be an "Indian Princess." which was actually on her gravestone, as an official moniker. She had the following children: Presley, Absolum, Lewis, Peter, Lawrence, Martha (Patsy), Sarah, and William after 1822 (Wheat, "Patsy Lott," e-mail to GenForum, 3 Aug 1998.). She immigrated between 1838 and 1839 (Ibid., said left Miss. 1838/9...by 1840 were in Ouachita Par. LA which later became Jackson Par.).

49. iii. Alfred Lott; born circa 1786 SC (Letters, Miklas to Barron.).

50. iv. Johnnie Major Lott; born circa 1789 GA (Ibid., Gave birth, marriage, and death info.); died circa 1850 MS.

+ 51. v. Abraham Lott, born circa 1792 GA; married Zilpha Wiggins.

52. vi. Arthur Lott; born circa 1795 (probably GA); married Deshultz (--?--) (If the legends of Indian ancestry as described in the affidavits of Elbert Watts and John A. Lott have any validity at all, then this Arthur Lott would appear to be the one who had the common law wife named Deshultz. The legend goes that Arthur himself was half Indian which would fit the story that his mother was "Princess Patsy Lightfoot." He was also Elbert Watt's great uncle which would make him known to the family. However, the affidavits claimed that Arthur was the father of Elizabeth Lott who married Thomas Watts. This is known to be incorrect due to the deed of gift from Absalom Lott to daughter Elizabeth.

I believe that John A. Lott knew this and, for that reason, never signed the affidavit to made it official. Elbert Watts did sign it and, I believe, sent it on to John A. Lott. Elbert was, however, far removed from the old family ties in both time and space and was perhaps simply confused about the relationships. He may have been confusing the story of Sarah Ann Clapp, wife of Absalom Lott's brother Arthur, being part Indian.

This Arthur may also have been the Art Lott of Melba, MS, who was described as having 9 children by a common law Indian wife.

As is the problem with many legends, the Indian heritage in the Lott family does not completely make sense. There has to be something to it, however, as it is so widespread. It should be viewed with caution since none of the persons making the claims had first hand knowledge of the events. These stories should be treated as clues until better evidence can be found); died after 1850 MS.

He began military service in 1814 MS Terr (E. Russ Williams, Miscellaneous Legal and Family Records Pertaining to the Areas of Pike and Walthall Counties, Mississippi (Easley, SC: Southern Hist Press, 1978), Said served as pvt in 13th regt (Nixon's) Miss Militia. Assumed to be the Arthur Lott, Jr. on this roll.).

+ 53. vii. Phillip Lott, born circa 1798 GA; married Mary Wiggins.

+ 54. viii. Absalom Lott, born circa 1799 GA; married Sarah Watts.

55. ix. Nathan Lott (Wayne H. Lott, "A Quest for Lott Family Information," The Lott Family Newsletter 1 #2 (1983). Hereinafter cited as "Lott Family Info".); born circa 1800.



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John and the unknown Mrs. Lott had eight children:


14. vii. ABSALOM LOTT was born 1746 at Duplin County, North Carolina and died 1825 at Mississippi. He also was an early settler of Montgomery County, Georgia and moved to Mississippi with his brother Arthur. He married abt 1781 at Duplin County, North Carolina Martha Jane (Patsy) Dorsey Lightfoot dau of Phillips Lightfoot IV and Susannah Dorsey.52 She was born 1763 at Antigua, West Indies and died 1862 at Mississippi . (5 children; a dau Elizabeth married Thomas Watts).53

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Absalom W. Lott's Timeline

Edgecombe, Edgecombe County, North Carolina, British Colonial America
South Carolina, United States
South Carolina, United States
Alabama, United States
Age 52
West Florida
Age 67
Marion County, Mississippi, United States