Abraham Sarphtie

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Abraham Sarphtie (Sarphati)

Birthplace: Amsterdam, Government of Amsterdam, North Holland, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
Death: August 28, 1931 (92)
Amsterdam, Government of Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Immediate Family:

Son of Isaac Sarphatie and Petronella Vega
Husband of Rachel Kaas
Father of Isaäc Sarphtie; Vrouwtje Sarphati; Aäron Sarphtie; Bilha Sarphtie; Marianne Sarphtie and 4 others
Brother of Joseph Sarphatie; Benvenida Sarphatie; Michael Sarphatie; Isaac Sarphatie; Bilha Sarphatie and 4 others

Managed by: Private User
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Abraham Sarphtie's Timeline

February 25, 1839
Amsterdam, Government of Amsterdam, North Holland, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
March 25, 1867
Amsterdam, Government of Amsterdam, North Holland, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
November 4, 1868
Amsterdam, North Holland, The Netherlands (Netherlands)
October 21, 1870
Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland (Netherlands)
September 30, 1873
Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland (Netherlands)
April 5, 1875
Amsterdam, Government of Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
May 10, 1877
Amsterdam, Netherlands
November 28, 1878
Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland (Netherlands)
July 19, 1881
Amsterdam, Government of Amsterdam, North Holland, The Netherlands (Netherlands)