Went into business with Isaac Low as a merchant on the 24th of December, 1753. Their store "Lott and Low" was located in the house of Henry Copler on the "south end on Clark's Slip, at the East end of Wall Street" later to be moved to the house in Hanover Square. they stayed in business together until April 10, 1766. Abraham continued as a merchant until he was appointed Treasurer of new york colony on the 12th of December 1767.
"There will be no such thing as selling it, as the people would rather buy so much poison, than the tea with the duty thereon."
--- Abraham Lott, New York merchant, commenting on the Tea Act, 1773
Left New York in 1776 for his country home in New Jersey located ten miles northeast of morristown in Beverwyck.
Good friend of Nathaneal Greene whos wife Caty stayed in the Lott's house to be close to her husband during the war.
Law passed 18th of April 1785, Eighth session chapter 70. to compel Abraham Lott to account for sums of money received while he was treasurer of the colony.
1704 |
Jamaica, Queens County, New York
1725 |
September 4, 1725
1728 |
1732 |
March 12, 1732
Readington, Hunterdon County, New Jersey
1735 |
1738 |
April 16, 1738
Readington, Hunterdon County, New Jersey
1743 |
1785 |
Age 81
Millstone, Somerset County, New Jersey
???? |