Historical records matching Abigail Jones Savage
Immediate Family
About Abigail Jones Savage
(Note: Records list the marriage as taking place in Amherst, MA and in CT. -- Jessica German)
101 Theodore Lyman son of Elisha and Abigail, Joseph, Benjamin, 1784-1833, b. Nov. 3, 1784; m. Susan Willard Whitney, Oct. 9, 1806. He remained in his native town where he occupied the old homestead. In 1828, he sold the old family mansion, giving the first deed of it which had ever been made. In 1829, he moved to Amherst, and d. Aug. 13, 1833. His widow afterwards moved to Montreal, where she d. June 18, 1855, aged 67 years, Amherst, Mass.
Children, Seventh Generation :
221 I Abigail Jones, b. June 16, 1807.
222 2 A son, b. Jan. 2, 1809; d. Jan. 11, 1809.
223 3 Henry, b. Nov. 23, 1809; d. June 28, 1834, in the island of Sumatra.
224 4 Edward Bellows, b. May 26, 1811 ; d. Sept. 25, 1854.
225 5 James B., b. Jan. 5, 1813.
226 6 Stephen Jones, b. Oct. 6, 1814; d. Oct. 8, 1814.
227 7 Hannah Willard, b. Jan. 29, 1816. Late lady principal of Vassar College.
228 8 Theodore, b. March 27, 1818.
229 9 Stephen Jones, b. Nov. 15, 1819 ; went to Canada in 1834, He now resides in Montreal and holds her majesty's commission as Lt. Col. of Artillery.
230 10 Susan Whitney, b. May 29, 1821.
231 11 Lewis, b. Nov. 4, 1822; d. April 29, 1823.
232 12 Mary Jane, b. 14, 1824 ; resides in Montreal
233 13 Helen, b. Dec. 25, 1825; d. at Montreal, April 10, 1852.
221 Abigail Jones Lyman, dau. of Theodore, m. Joseph Savage, May 18, 1829, of Montreal, at Amherst, Mass. Mr. Savage, d. Feb. 5, 1859, at Montreal. Children, Eighth Generation :
234 I Frances Ann, b. Feb. 27, 1830; d. Sept., 1855.
235 2 Emily, b. Nov. 11, 1831 ; d. Jan. 4, 1851.
236 3 Susanna Whitney, b. Sept. 21, 1833 ; d. Jan. 25, 1855.
237 4 Joseph, Jr., b. March 4, 1836; d. May 25, 1838.
238 5 Joseph, Jr., b. May 2, 1838 ; m. Mary Workman, of Montreal.
239 6 Albert Buckley, b. March 1, 1840; m. Sarah Adams, Oct. 5, 1865, of Stockbridge, Mass.
240 7 Mary Pomeroy, b. June 2U, 1842 ; d. Feb. 10, 1851.
241 8 Frederick Bolton, b. April 30, 1844.
Bibliographic information:
- Title: Genealogy of the Lyman family in Great Britain & America : the ancestors and descendants of Richard Lyman, from High Ongar in England, 1631
- Author: Coleman, Lyman, 1796-1882
- Published 1872
- Topics Lyman family, Lyman, Richard, 1580-1640
- Publisher Albany, N.Y. : J. Munsell
- Pages 1098
- Language English
- Call number 31833013284572
- Digitizing sponsor Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center
- Book contributor Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center
- Collection allen_county; americana
- Notes Handwriting in margins mostly unreadable in the book. This is a photocopied book. Photocopy lines and markings appear in the scan Print quality varies Some pages photocopied into book crooked.
- Full catalog record MARCXML
- Pages 396 and 406
- https://archive.org/stream/genealogyoflyman00cole#page/n812/mode/1up
Abigail Jones Savage's Timeline
1807 |
June 16, 1807
Northampton, MA, United States
1830 |
February 27, 1830
Montreal, Montreal, Québec, Canada
1831 |
November 11, 1831
Montreal, Montreal, Québec, Canada
1833 |
September 21, 1833
Montreal, Montreal, Québec, Canada
1836 |
March 4, 1836
Montreal, Montreal, Québec, Canada
1838 |
May 2, 1838
Montreal, Montreal, Québec, Canada
1840 |
March 1, 1840
Montréal, QC, Canada
1842 |
June 20, 1842
Montreal, Montreal, Québec, Canada
1844 |
April 30, 1844
Montreal, Montreal, Québec, Canada