NOTE: Davis is a subsequent married name for Abigail Fox, the widowed mother of Abigail Hill Mack, and adopted by Abigail Hill from her step-father named Davis. Marriage of Abigail Fox Hill to Davis c. 1720. (Abigail Hill Mack age 12 in 1720) I found numerous pieces of documentation to draw the conclusions reflected in the recent changes to this profile. Unfortunately I am not skilled with the computer and was unable to relocate the documents to even copy the citation information. I am confident that had anyone seen what I have, you would draw the same conclusions. Danny "Dan" Drollinger
1709 |
February 7, 1709
Lyme, New London County, Connecticut Colony
March 27, 1709
West Roxbury, Massachusetts
1738 |
January 26, 1738
Lyme, New London, Connecticut
1740 |
March 14, 1740
Lyme, New London, Connecticut, USA
1743 |
February 7, 1743
Lyme, New London County, CT, British Colonial America
1745 |
July 16, 1745
1746 |
June 28, 1746
Lyme, New London, Connecticut, United States
1748 |
Lyme, New London, Connecticut, United States
1750 |
Lyme, New London, Connecticut, United States