Abigail Moss Doolittle was the daughter of John Moss and Abigail Charles. Wife of Abraham Doolittle. Abigail was baptized at age 1 on April 10, 1642. When she was 21 she married Abraham Doolittle, son of Edward Doolittle and Elizabeth Baker of England. She was the mother of 7 children which included my 7th great-grandfather Samuel Doolittle.
Family links:
Spouse: Abraham Doolittle (1620 - 1690)
Burial: Center Street Cemetery Wallingford New Haven
From http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~robinsgenealogypage/The%20...
Sources: Edward Doolittle's Doolittle research and the research of Frank Doherty on families in the Beekman's Patent
Generation 1
Abraham Doolittle was born in 1620 in Kidderminster, Worcestershire, England, to Edward Doolittle and Elizabeth Baker. Seven of Edward and Elizabeth's ten children died before reaching adulthood. Abraham, his brother John, and possibly his brother Daniel survived. Abraham married first Joan Alling in 1640 in England; second, Abigail Moss, July 2, 1663, in New Haven, CT. Abraham died August 11, 1690 in Wallingford, New Haven Co., CT; Abigail twenty years later, November 5, 1710, in Wallingford.
Abraham and Abigail had seven children:
Category:New Haven, New Haven Colony, Category: Wallingford, Connecticut Colony, Category: Center Street Cemetery, Wallingford, Connecticut
Abigail Moss daughter of John Moss was baptized 10 April 1642 at the First Church of New Haven, in New Haven Colony. The name of John Moss' wife is not indicated in the New Haven records.
“Abraham Dowlitle & Abigaile Mofse were married by Mr Willm Jones July2 1663," in New Haven, New Haven Colony.
She was his second wife and they had seven children together.
Abigail Moss, widow, died 15 November 1710 ae 69 in Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut or died 5 November 1710 as printed by Jacobus and as seen on the cemetery monument erected in 1910, in the Center Street Cemetery in Wallingford, Connecticut.
@R401058038@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=67511054&pid...
@R401058038@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=67511054&pid...
1642 |
April 10, 1642
New Haven, New Haven Colony, (Present Connecticut)
April 10, 1642
New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
April 10, 1642
., New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut
1662 |
April 10, 1662
Age 20
New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut
1665 |
July 7, 1665
Wallingford, New Haven, CT
1666 |
February 12, 1666
New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut Colony
1668 |
February 26, 1668
New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut
1672 |
July 6, 1672
Wallingford, New Haven County, Connecticut, United States
1674 |
March 4, 1674
Wallingford, New Haven County, Connecticut Colony