Not the same as Abadiah Floyd
She is the granddaughter, not daughter, of Nathaniel Davis and Mary Hughes.
The notes below explain the missing generations which are explained by the Dear Rush Letter which a copy of its DAR Exhibit Log Picture is in the media section. The missing generations are explained by the Dear Rush Letter. See the media section for the logged in letter for DAR with a number for it.
Abadiah Floyd was born before 1730 in Accomac, Virginia. Her parents were Robert Davis and Abadieh Davis (Lewis).
Abadiah married Col. William Floyd circa 1746 in Amherst County, Province of Virginia. Together they had the following children:
She died in 1824 in Charles Floyd's home, Beargrass Creek, Near Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky, United States.
Section 1 - Answers to Myth Maker Accusers: Abadiah Davis, daughter of Robert Davis and Abadiah Lewis, married William Floyd in 1747. William Floyd was son of John Floyd and Ann...with his grandma his only link to his dad who passed in 1820s, the reasonwhy he named his daughter her name, holding on to his pasted history not starting a passed lie in regards to Nicati - Nicketti Hughes. Going off of memory, my grandma told her son, after she was asked for years to get her to do so by a famous catholic cardinal. he asked Judge Rush Floyd, to get his mom to give him the family history. She was getting older and all wanted to know. That is were the My Dear Rush Letter came from. In a an accusatory blog that Nicati /Nicketti Hughes is fictional: 1) the claims of this all being a legend arising in 1895 is not correct, which discounts that researcher Brown came to us to hear about our Nicati history, having passed it for generations. The Name.2.) says he left a little girl not a infant baby, showing that the blogger uses thelittlest things to support a claim of family myth; but, a infant baby and little girl can have the same meaning. Point 3.) posits that Nicati married a cavalier family, not Trader Hughes is debunked by Dr Cabbell on p. 13-14 of his book. Also, the My Dear Rush' Letter names a man Hughes, Grandma had no way of knowing this or checking Dr. Cabell; and later, a John Hughs is found in the same community of Appomatox Co, whose will is logged in 1712 4.) Blogger had claimed that N.J. Floyd "has now found a mother for" Nicati. No all NJ Floyd ever was passed on was this: "Nicati was the daughter of Pocahontas sister, whom had her by way of her uncle and NJ iFloyd' s1895 stuff,, but fast forward in 1912. and there was No NJ Floyd (the finder of the Petition) and still the My Dear Rush Letter has the same story but not conferred with far distant kin on it and the stories were the same. . 5.)Blog said it was 1912 that the who myth got started and that the Floyd family told Nicati was daughter of Cleopatra and that NJ Floyd made it up Blogger left out the information on the petition he found that tied his family to the source of why they had the petition in their posession, being part of the family of Cleopatra and the first to let the world know there was such as person. 6.) Blog, claimed tjat blogger was told Hughes was Aztec ( I told her our kin also passed Nicatis dad was passed down in the family as wearing gold snake shaped arm bands with green stone for eyes and his style was same as Aztec style, not he was one, and deff not Hughes. getting that out of that said is just not legit. 7.) If Blogger would have seen that Niciti's father, Opecancanough, and this discovered sister of Pocahontas by the finding of the petition by NJ, Floyd was then given to Researcher Brown at the request of the founder of the Va Historical Society founder, the daughter of Gov. Floyd of WV, then. the point would be taken that NJ Floyd was only ever told Nicati was daughter of Pocahontas sister. So, without all of these people, no one would know about Cleopatra and since you claim Cleopatra as not fake, then it goes to show that the person who turned in the petition about her existance and Brown's writings and accompanying letter by his team researcher would go into the point that there is no way that Nicati was a family myth. 8.) The blog gets into muddy myth accusation with muddy facts saying If Hughes was born in 1665- he would of been 80 in 1720 but there is a missing generation or even two up from Abadiah like the Dear Rush Letter explains.. 9.)) Blogger said that Nicati would be same age, then adds a pointless issue life expectancy was 40-50 back then, true BUT, that did not matter if a kid lived past a certain age they would live to be old like today. that was based on the high rate of child deaths.. The original story was based off a missing generation or maybe even two.
Section 2. Timeline of Family's Naming Their Daughters After Nicati: Abadiah was daughter of Robert Davis. His mom was the daughter of Nicketi, She was 10 when her father's mom passed away; his mom Elizabeth Hughes was born near Enchanted Mt VA , or Jamestown is not clear. . giving Abadiah a direct connection to the 1600s. And the history of her Dads moms mom Nicketti. Abadiah may of also named a daughter after Nicketti. Posted in her media section, the first Nicati, is found on Record in 1778. ( Note This Niciti, would of passed her name came from Pocahontas sister all said did not exist End note) She Shows on the Tazewell VA area census living in Burkes Garden VA, or visiting with Abadiah's grandaughter Lavalette Floyd, the daughter of her grandson Gov. John Floyd, that was son of Col. John Floyd , Abadiah son . This possible daughter of Abadiahs is Listed On the 1850 census in Tazewell va. A Monacan member, Dr. Vest says the old Monacan legend reconcidered. proving hes seen or heard this told as a old Monacan legend of trader Hughes and Nicketti. Going back in Records The West, Of Indian West, Never confused there name as Vest best i see. Altho other West-Vest lines could of, in this line i can not see this confusing the two names in this West Line. Him saying reconsider as this story. just says a Monacan member has grew up hearing our version told as we tell it.
The second one I've found is another daughter of Abadiah s son Col. J John Floyds son. Gov. John Floyd he too names a daughter in 1819 Nicketti Floyd. This makes two early documents of the family passing the name and history of the Native Nicketti. Gov. John Floyd son of this Abadiah s son. His daughter the second recorded Nicketti, in the family also had a daughter Lavalette Floyd that married and named her daughter Nickette Elizabeth Mcmullen. Making yet a 3rd family member recorded as using the Nicketti name. Some differently spelled versions all meaning the same in Abadiah s family.
Also Nicketti Floyd, Gov. John Floyds daughter had a son that passed the name . Dr. George Ben Johnston, he too named a daughter Nicketti Floyd Johnston. This makes 4 family members passed the name and history. This daughter of his named Nicketti Johnston, also has a daughter named louise Bowen Trigg. And she passed yet a 5th family member this name her daughter Nicketti Floyd Trigg.
Gov. John Floyds sons, also passed the name down in history. His son G.R.C. Floyd, he was my 3rd great,grandpa. he also names a daughter in 1864 also Nickiti Buchanan Floyd, making 6 family members all granddaughter s of Abadiah, and 1, possible daughter passed and using the name. With pride, im sure . Seems if this was the name of a male Native the name would of been passed to Abadiah s grandson s not her granddaughters.
I I'm still trying to source others in the Floyd family passing the History and name of the Native American Nicketti. Is it even possible with how this name passed in so many directions in the Floyd, family this story is only family lore? Would there not of been at least one branch that told this is only family lore? Every Floyd family member I've spoken too says they passed the name after a Native American, Grandma named Nicketti, Not a family lore. And this grandma Abadiah Floyd ( Davis ) , I'm sure would of passed history she learned from her Father, Robert Davis 's mom M. Elizabeth Hughes. the daughter of Nicati, and she was 10, when Nicketi's daughter passed her grandma. The 6 different Nicketti granddaughter s of Abadiah and one possible daughter making 7 . all seem to be living in different locations using and passing this said family lore firmly. Also note, one blog states that someone told them Trader Hughes was Aztec. This is False. what was told to said blog, was Our Kin also passed that the father of Nicati was who was said in petition, we also passed down what his dress style was, Not Hughes, but Nicati dad, wore gold snake shape bracelets, with green stone eyes and was more of a Aztec style dress, Not he was Aztec. But her dad did claim to be from a far SW tribe and not first Powhatan. Not sure how our kin knew to pass that either. and not sure how said blog got Someone, said Hughes was Aztec from that.
The 7, found so far are not the last one's passed this name im working on sources for other granddaughter s of Abadiah's passed the Nicketti, name. There is a short story that 's BY Dysart Mcmullen explaining the time period a little better and his family, Dysart was the grandson of 1819 Nicketti Buchanan Floyd, she spent many summer s at his home telling him the family story this story is on Dysart s page. Dysart also explains that sitting and getting read to was a past time that family s practiced in their times learning the family history, a time before modern technology . Some also say were Gov. John Floyds father and many of his kin were killed in the Revolutionary war by the tribes that sided with British forces, him nor his family would of even tryed claiming the Native American Blood, if not true family history. Family lore is one thing, passing the name and history in multiple families ,thats storie is. Exactly the same, And they have never met nor know each other, seems totally different. So the story of Nicketti being a meaning pretty baby. Could not be true . One it predated with the census.. way before the birth of govnor Floyds daughter, with the nikettie,,, name being around in the,,, family with his dad's poss, sister of col. James John Floyd. So the name was in the family proving this story of two native women gave it meaning pretty baby incorrect. The childs parents nor her herself said this or used the term Princess, when giving the history to Mr. Brown. Read Dysart to see what Nicketi Floyd said of her name. the latest Nicketi passed down name was 24 yr ago making 8, listed here in our direct Floyd, Lines from Abadiah.
William Floyd and his wife Abadiah had 12 childern: Sarah, who married Wyatt Powell. Elizabeth who married Charles Tuley. Col.James John Floyd, Nicati Floyd ( see KY Filson) Charles Floyd, who son was of the louis and Clark team. Robert Floyd, Isham Floyd, Robert and Isham both killed by NA, as was Col. J John Floyd, whos son claimed Nicketti a NA grandma. a Nathaniel Floyd, he served under Jackson at New Orleans, a Jemimah Floyd, Abadiah Floyd both there husbands killed in Indian Massacres. 3 other daughters who are know to the family only as Mrs. Pryor, whos son also was with louis and clark. a Mrs. Drake, and Mrs. Alexander. Also Trader Hughes is just a code name for a man named Hughes in the area that also proved out years after we passed this oral.
William Floyd, a county surveyor, and captain of the county militia arrival in Amherst county married Abadiah daughter of Robert Davis of the upper james, who had married a half- blood NA lady. family tradition of uncertain origin that traces the ancestry of this NA wife, to the chieftain Opechancanough, ( note i cant find this Tradition until 1890s when Brown did a study of the Floyds history) up till that point the Floyds only said and passed she was Catawba...or Cayugas, But could of in diff lines,the two versions combined and the other stuff may of been passed in our Burk cousins lines, also a KY, historian found William and Abadiah, also had a Daughter named Nicati. However that may be, the descendants of William and Abadiah have never ceased to be proud of the NA Blood, that courses through their veins and to hold in highest esteem the memory of their maternal ancestor. For the real trader Hughes to please stand, as folks are asking. Then one haves to understand how he had safe passage, a fact indeed he had, and its not hard to think he may of been a mixed blood also. The Powell in this line that stayed in VA,, got there NA blood from my Floyd Aunt. and they are on the Walter Plecker Target name list, as are the Floyds and Hughes, and Knuckles, and in more locations and more times a target than most names on this target list. a list used that tribes use also to prove kinship to Powhatan lines. And no other family's claiming they were targets also had Andrew Jackson scared they were going to take the flag off the White House, nor pushed claims against him that he was robbing the Treasury, at will. and perverting the treaty systems. as our 4th Granddad John Floyd did. he was calling him a balding thief, and tyrant, and bloody villain. and warned all BEWARE, He kept wild bear as protection. We deff were a target, And Jackson was making threats to kill him. and maybe the only way he could was target his bloodlines. as time proved he in fact did. Bitter Foe of Andrew Jackson. J.F. And our Nicati, grandmas name sounded like this, Nike ka Tie. (Not Nick, and not Tee) and my 3rd great grandpa that passed the Nicketi name also, had a nickname of Woushippakniga. TY Alex Luken. And her son John Floyd sr. came to the hunting grounds because Jack Jones wasnt settling the hunting grounds proper, and he was there to try helping the Tiwas, and Kickapoo, also there lands were getting settled wrong and he knew it would lead to war, Jack Jones was head of the Tori and Bandetti, and he killed my grandpa using the NA hand. Nicati s moms line was always passed coming from a Powhatan line. When one says that the Hughes, Floyds, Powell, Knuckles, and others on this list are not NA, you are doing injustice like Brown, esp, to those in Tribes that use this list to prove there NA also. You link Niciti, to Cleopatra by the Floyd's claiming and passing the birth was same way as petition reads later found. the ones that claimed this path for whom Niciti was. we have a 1750s birth of a Nicati Floyd on a census living at the home of Gov. Floyd's wife house years after he had died. You Have the birth of 1819 Nicketti Floyd from same family and daughter of Gov.Floyd. and they had know way of knowing this way even a custom to do in order to even draw such conclusions. Far as Uncle having a child with a young niece. But still they claimed and passed Nicati was daughter of whom later was found on paper with a new found sister named Cleopatra, but just said she was a sister, and had a child with her Uncle, whom was as named before and later found on paper. that is how the two are linked. 1.) How did the girls given the name, saying it was from a sister of Pocahontas know to say this ? There was no proof of a sister when the first few generations told this. 2.) How did they know to say when asked. how you got this Niciti name? That this un-known sister, had a child with her Uncle, brother of Powhatan. That all was told whom and how Niciti came to be before petition was ever found. And why NJ Floyd was searching, Who was Niciti? she came from a sister of Pocahontas, whom had a child with her Powhatan Uncle. They would not knew to say any of this but did every time. that is how the two connect.Also a Polychrome statue, Advertised as Ni Ka tai , Daughter of Opechunkano, sells for $ 25,875 made in 1880s. Sold in 2011, best i recall in a NY Auction house.made in 1800s, as her, by a famous wood carver.. Note: Cabbell and kin was 1895.. .One Cousin says this. and you still have Dysarts version. Cleopatra (e) married her uncle. I also thought it was odd at first, but a number of things point to the fact that she did. The first I ever knew about it was from my great grandmother, Elizabeth Jane Davis. Cleopatra(e) is my 10th great grandmother. Opechancanough 1554-1644, m. Cleopatra(e) b.about 1612 d. after 1641. They had a daughter (could have been more children) called Nicketti (Nikiti) b. 1625 who married a traper and fur trader called Trader Hughes b. 1620. Supposedly he came from a prominent Virginia family. Having researched him as much as possible, I have come to the conclusion that he may have been Rice Hughes, sometimes spelled Rees Hughes. The earlies I find him in the area is about 1623. Trader Hughes and Nicketti had a trading post in Amherst County, Virginia by Otter Creek. The chimney still stands today. They had a son Hughes and a daughter Elizabeth Mary Hughes b. 1654, she married in 1672 to Nathaniel Davis b. 1650. They had Philip, Samual (my line), Robert (The Black Davis)who married Abadiah Lewis, Mary who married Samuel Burks, and Martha who married Abraham B. Venable. Jefferson Davis is a descendant of Robert Davis (above). Info I have: 1. My great grandmother said that Cleopatra(e) married a Cayuga Chief. 2. "Family History" -- says Governor Thomas Dale waned Cleopatra for his wife, although he had a wife in England. He sent his secretary to Chief Powhatan to bargain for his beautiful, youngest daughter. The Chief told him he had sold Princess Cleopatra for two bushels of roanoke (a term for wampum-beads made from the inside parts of shells, and Indians used them for/as currency.) to one of his foremost Chiefs, Opechancanough, and they were three days into the forest. 3. The following piece comes from Biographical Genealogies of the Virginia-Kentucky Floyd Families: In the old library of the Maryland Historical Society, an item of three lines in a fragment of Jamestown records covering eleven years, 1630-1641 -"Family History" -- says Governor Thomas Dale waned Cleopatra for his wife, although he had a wife in England. He sent his secretary to Chief Powhatan to bargain for his beautiful, youngest daughter. The Chief told him he had sold Princess Cleopatra for two bushels of roanoke (a term for wampum-beads made from the inside parts of shells, and Indians used them for/as currency.) to one of his foremost Chiefs, Opechancanough, and they were three days into the forest. 3. The following piece comes from Biographical Genealogies of the Virginia-Kentucky Floyd Families: In the old library of the Maryland Historical Society, an item of three lines in a fragment of Jamestown records covering eleven years, 1630-1641 - during the period, covered by the fragment, matters became so bad between the Whites and Indians, that Opechancanough was induced to agree upon a line being established which neither White nor Indian, excepting truce-bearers, should cross under penalty of being shot on sight. To insure strict obedience to the compact, a law was passed at Jamestown imposing a heavy penalty on any of the people crossing the line without a special permit from the Governor's Council and the General Court. This accounts for the item alluded to, which is given verbatim et literatim. In the Council record it reads: "December 17th, 1641 -- Thomas Rolfe petitions Governor to let him go see Opechankeno to whom he is allied, and Cleopatra, his mother's sister." The record of the General Court was evidently intended to be averbatim copy, though they differ somewhat in phraseology and spelling: "December 17th, 1641 - Thomas Rolph petitions Governor to let him go to see Opechanko, to whom he is allied, and Cleopatre, his mother's sister." 4. Descendants of Opechancanough and Cleopatra through their granddaughter Elizabeth Hughes who married Nathaniel Davis were: Davis', Venable, Floyd, Randolph, Cabell, Woodson, Pleasants, Hughes, Payne,Burks (Burkes), Latham, and many more. 5. I also have excerpts of the book: Jamestown 1544-1699, by Carl Bridenbaugh, New York: Oxford University Press, 1980, ISBN 0-19-502650-0, Reviewed by Roy W. Johnson. This book tells a lot about Opechancanough, who he believes was the "power behind the throne" even before Powhatan's death in 1618. Opechancanough's story begins when he was taken to Spain after a Spanish ship landed in Chesapeake Bay in 1561. If you would like to have the whole story that I put in my notes, let me know. And I will send it to your email address. Other items come from Jamestown Historic Briefs, Powhatan Indian Lifeways, The Colonial Periods 1607-1763, Opechancanough's Wars - The Powhatan Tribes, by C. F. Feest, Grand Old Caroline, Virginia's Third Most Populous & Affluent County in 1776, by Susan F. Beason, Virginia Genealogies # 2 1600's - 1800's Volume II of Captain Thomas Graves and Some of His Descendants, The Virginia - Kentucky Floyds, The Cabell and Their Kin, and a number of other sources. It is said that the father of Cleopatra, Chief Powhatan was the son of and Indian Princess and a Spaniard who came with DeSota and his men to the islands near Florida. I have heard this somewhere else also. So it is quite possible that Chief Powhatan and Opechancanough had the same mother and different fathers, but then you can go on forever on some things. Do you know where Trader Hughes gravesite was found? Leona
Mrs. Pryor had a son who accompanied his cousin, Charles Floyd, son of Charles (1), on the Lewis and Clark expedition, in which young Charles lost his life. Tradition says the husband of one of the three was killed by the Indians.It has been stated that John Floyd married Miss Burford. Ten months after marriage, his wife died leaving an infant girl which Mrs. Burford adopted and named Mourning. As soon as the young man mastered the poignancy of his grief he went to Fincastle County and applied to Colonel William Preston, a very prominent and influential citizen and general surveyor, for a position as deputy, to go to work in the wilds of Kentucky, then a county of Virginia. Colonel Preston, thinking him too young to take charge of a surveying party among the Indians of the Ohio Valley, prevailed on him to teach school and write in the surveyor's office for a few years.
In 1774, he took a party to Kentucky as Colonel Preston's deputy. He worked as far down the Ohio River as the Falls where Louisville is now situated, and located many fine bodies of land for Colonel Preston and others; and near the Falls he located a body of several thousand acres for himself.From the Falls he went to the Bluegrass region where his work was much impeded by troubles with the Indians. He there met a former associate and friend of the family, George Rogers Clark, also in charge of a surveying party. And the story goes on, either way the Floyds family story was well established way before Brown's, Cabbell and kin story. I fill as the 3rd great grandson of GRC Floyd, nicknamed Woushippakniga, Nicketti Floyds Brother, the lost 3 syllable way of spelling her name was Ni Ka Tai. THE Jamestown petition found by NJ Floyd proved there was a sister named by the english cleopatra, her native name lost,, that tied the Floyd familys mixed natives oral tradition to the grandmamaw Nickitti, passed down, altho it was passed down to NJ, that she was a niece to Powhatan., My 4th great Grandfather Governor John Floyd. Did not name his daughter after what two native women were saying as meaning pretty baby as the meaning, and then they say Nicketti is not a recognized Indian name,?? The ones saying it seems not a recognized Indian name . Then say it means pretty babies in the Indian language.. the name came from my grandfather John Floyd . Because it was his grandmother passed down .. seems it would not mean nothing in the language, if not reconized.. Also my 4th grandfather gov. John Floyd, was a founding father of the Virginia Historical Society in 1800s, and a presidential candidate, a doctor - surgeon, and US,,, military officer. I very doubt, he was confused with the name,,, coming from a male, rather than a female, or a river. . US, history,, was very important to him.. so seems many are out of touch with my Floyd family history. Especially ones. That only give why it's not true based on opinions only. when there is alot of stuff that shows how it can also be true.. for one Govnor John Floyds,, dad he never met and loved was murdered before his birth by the Native Americans,, so he would have more reason not to claim the native blood, also in his time Native could not own land, or run in public office, most families that were of the mixed race would hide the fact of having the native blood, especially in a time of his when each were at war with each other, John Floyd, owned land , and held public office. He had more to loose than gain for being of the mixed race. 2. He was a very faithful Christian, and Documented as so, telling lies in his time especially wasn't a Christian thing to do, in a time of war, and dueling to the death. He had many close relatives die at the hands of the native, so for this I fill is a few good reasons not to claim the blood. But as a man of his word, and a devoted Christian, in a time when a man's word was his bond, he told the truth. Especially of his family history and passing the name down to a daughter of his native Grandma, was done in truth, or a least he definitely believeD it true... and he was known to be a honest person with strong character. To many were dieing at the hands of each other , white v/s Native American, I very doubt he would claim the blood of his enemies, unless not true... personally I fill like he didn't view anyone as an enemy unless trying to fight him or the laws of the land... the history was long ago and maybe one day will get sorted out.
Title: j e griffiths Author: j e griffiths pedigrees of anglesey and caernarvonshire families Repository: Media: Too Page: 69
1728 |
Virginia, Colonial America
1747 |
October 15, 1747
Albemarle County, Province of Virginia
1748 |
Albemarle County, Province of Virginia
1749 |
Albemarle County, Virginia, Colonial America
1750 |
Amherst County, Province of Virginia
1752 |
Albemarle and Amherst County, Province of Virginia
1753 |
Amherst County, Province of Virginia
1755 |
Amherst County, Province of Virginia
1758 |
Province of Virginia