July 2015
More information is needed to confirm the 1769 death date of Aaron Terrill.
The Aaron Terrill in Penobscot, Maine was born and died there, and is a different family). Death is after 1766, birth of son Elias, in location unknown.
Nov 2019
No proof of a death location in Oklahoma.
1725 |
March 23, 1725
Milford, New Haven County, CT, United States
1761 |
January 23, 1761
Waterbury, New Haven County, CT, United States
1762 |
July 28, 1762
Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
1764 |
October 9, 1764
Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
1766 |
September 20, 1766
Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States
Age 40
Indian, Penobscot, Maine, United States
???? |