Aaron Moshe Alexandrov

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Aaron Moshe Alexandrov

Hebrew: אהרן משה
Birthplace: Shklov
Death: May 29, 1837 (23-32)
Lyubavichi, Smolensk, Russia (Russian Federation)
Place of Burial: деревня Любавичи, Смоленская область, Россия
Immediate Family:

Son of Moshe Alexandrov, [of Shklow] and Rebbetzin Leah Golda Alecsanderov
Husband of Chaya Sarah Alexandrov, [the 2nd Chaya Sarah]
Father of Tziviah Gittel Lampert; Rivka Schneerson (Alexandrov) [4th CHABAD Rbzn #2]; Shneur Zalman Alexandrov and Shterna Fradkin
Brother of Isaac Eizik Alexandrov; Samuel Alexander "Sander" Alexandrov; Tzvi Hirsch Nahum Alexandrov and daughter

Managed by: Private User
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About Aaron Moshe Alexandrov

Family book of Rabbi from Ladi


@R-1682440388@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=51839233&pid...

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Aaron Moshe Alexandrov's Timeline

November 12, 1834
Lyubavichi, Smolensk, Russia
May 29, 1837
Age 28
Lyubavichi, Smolensk, Russia (Russian Federation)
May 1837
Age 28
деревня Любавичи, Смоленская область, Россия (Russian Federation)