The name of the first wife of Humphrey Gilbert of Ipswich is not known
The following article 'Humphrey Gilbert's Second Wife' by Clarence Almon Torrey appeared in "The American Genealogist" (vol. 17, no. 1) in July, 1940:
"Humphrey Gilbert of Ipswich, Massachusetts, deposed in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, Court, Dec. 18, 1651, aged about thirty-eight years, from which,it appears that be was born in or about 1616. His will, dated Feb. 14, 1657/8, was proved March 30, 1658. The inventory of his estate was taken March 10, 1657/8 (Essex Connty, Massachusetts, Probate Records, Vol. 1, pages 264-265).
"He left a widow Elizabeth, son John, daughters Hannah, Martha, Mary and Abigail. Birth dates of his children are lacking, but Hannah deposed in 1670, aged about twenty-four years age (Essex County Court Records, vol. 4, p. 264), hence born about 1646, and Martha deposed Nov. 23, 1668, aged about nineteen (Ibid, vol. 4 page 84), and April 21, 1670, aged 21 (Ibid, vol. 4, page 242), hence born in or about 1651 and Abigail about 1653.
"From Essex County Probate Records (vol. 1, pages 265-266), it appears that Humphrey Gilbert's first wife gave her daughters 'several things' on her death bed. Daughter 'Hauna' is mentioned but the other daughters are not named. This implies that at least two daughters were by his first wife, and Mary was probably her daughter. It is uncertain whether Abigail was by his first wife, whose name has not been found by the writer, or by his second wife Elizabeth, who was the mother of his son John.
1649 |
February 14, 1649
Salem, Essex, Massachusetts
Salem, Essex, Massachusetts
1650 |
Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts, United States
of, Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts
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