Elizabeth (Tilley) Howland, "Mayflower" Passenger
Private User - it's useful if you copy the link location when you mention profiles in a discussion.
The curator of Elizabeth Tilley is excellent at About Me writing, so I assume the reason it has not been trimmed down is because she does not want to delete information that others have added to About Me.
This is a good question. On Master Profiles, the better About Mes are more readable and concise, as well as interesting. However there are two reasons why About Mes are repetitive or less than perfect right now: First, they are a work in progress. A lot of time is spent merging and cleaning up the tree at this point still. Many of us have managed to get correct information into the About Mes but haven't yet polished them. You might consider them in draft stage. Second and more importantly, I believe that most of us do not want to delete information entered by other users unless it's entirely repetitive. That is out of respect for the fact that the tree and our ancestors are shared.
I'm sure that others will offer further points in the discussion. Thank you for asking this question.