Following our success with previous 'priority projects' I would like to request all and sundry to participate and put some extra effort into removing all married names from deceased profiles of women in line with our profile suggestions in Stamouers/Progenitors in the next few weeks and at least until we have a cleaner tree..
Essentially the agreed approach in line with our standard geneaology is to record birth name or surname at birth only in both the 'Last Name' and 'Maiden Name' fields and to not record married name.
- Many more reasons, but essentially It makes things so much easier and it saves huge amounts of time and brings us in line with standard geneaolgy.
- There is one less name field to type on every profile. Being a computerised system there is little reason to add married names as the married name is displayed on every profile since all husbands are displayed. It is also possible to search partner names with the search engine. This also solves the issue to determine who was the 'last husband' and thus setting a wrong Last Name because people are unaware of a later husband.
- More accuracy and simplified maintenance in merging. Some may argue the point, but having done thousands of merges I can say with absolute certainty leaving out married names makes for more accuracy in merges and makes things so much easier. If you don't believe me, set up a little test for yourself and try doing merges with profiles by setting them up both ways.
- To avoid "edit wars". If half the users set profiles one way and the other half another, what is happening is that I fix profiles to set it my way and you come along and then fix it your way. In the end this costs us an incaculable amount of time editing these fields as we go along.
Why do this now?
One of the biggest issues is currently newbies and I have seen over time that they tend to take the lead from how others set up profiles. If we clean up the tree we will find less people using married names immediately.
What else to do.
If you notice newbies and new collaborators setting up their profiles with married names, please engage them and refer them to this project and discussion. That way we will get there so much quicker.