According to Medlands there were a few Raouls that were also called Roscelin.
It also has, in this line Raoul VI son of HUBERT Vicomte du Maine et de Beaumont & his wife Ermengarde de Nevers who was himself Vicomte de Beaumont, de Fresnay et de Sainte-Suzanne. "Radulfus vicecomes" restored "canonicatum Frederniaci castri" to Angers Saint-Aubin by charter dated to [1082/1107]
Could this refer to this profile which doesn't fit in as son of Robert de Beaumont and Amice de Gael?
I plan to detach this profile from Robert and Amice but would like to be able to attach it where it belongs if possible so it would be good to get opionions as to whether it belongs with Hubert and Ermengarde.
Terry (Curator)