doctor Moshe Mintz from Gedera

Started by Private User on Wednesday, November 24, 2010
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Private User
11/24/2010 at 7:45 PM

I visited the museum of Gedera (Israel).
There I made a photo of Mintz family tree. The tree relate to Samuel-Yehuda
Katsenelennbogen, a son of Hanna Mintz and Meir Katsenelenbogen.
Then the tree shows Samuel-Yehuda descendant (or son) Yitshak Katsenelenbogen.
Then (in Russia) Zeev-Wolf Mintz and Abush Aharon Mintz.
The biography (in hebrew) and photos of Moshe Mintz and his family can be found on museum site.
Possibly, somebody have information about this branch?

Private User
11/24/2010 at 8:02 PM
this is a photo of Shmuel Mintz (a father of Moshe Mintz) and his sons

Private User
11/24/2010 at 8:43 PM

Interesting - thanks Nina.

On Geni:

R' Zeev Wolf Pastecher Minz of Mereritz is a Katzenellenbogen descendant and has a son R' Aaron (Arosh) Minz

There is also a Shmuel Mintz on Geni with four sons including Private and two daughters.

There are private profiles here so I can't see if/how they relate to the earlier Mintz. There are other Shmuel and Moshe Mintz profiles on Geni too.

11/24/2010 at 9:42 PM

Nina, That is a beautiful photo of R' Shmuel Mintz and his family, I hope we can locate the family.

The sites below might help your research.
Note that the Mintz family name can be spelled in various forms -:

Myntz, Mintz, Muntz, Mintc, Minz, Minc

See Minc Family Tree.
ie. (Wulek) Wolf  Zev Muntz. Born: Abt. 1808.  Dayan in Mlawa.



Avraham Mintz family (1840 - 1892)

Geni links to Katzenellenbogen-Mintz connection

Meir Katzenellenbogen
Rabbi Meir Katzenellenbogen, Maharam of Padua

Eliezer HaLevi Mintz (1388-1482) Progenitor of the Mintz Line
Rav Eliezer Halevi Mintz

Hanna Mintz
Hanna Katzenellenbogen

Samuel Yehuda Katzenellenbogen-Mintz
Rabbi Shmuel Yehuda Katzenellenbogen, MaHaShiks, MaHaRaM son #1

It might be a good idea to post your question on the Katzenellenbogen Family Project page as well.

Private User
11/25/2010 at 10:03 AM
Here the biography of doctor Mintz (short translation)
He was born in Lithuania in 1860 and learned veterinaria in Moscow and in Kharkov. He joined the Kharkov Bilu group and came Israel with the first Bilu group. Some period he lived in Istanbul and in spring 1883 moved to Palestine. In 3.1884 he was expelled from Palestine. He settled in ne. He lived in USA, continued his Zionist activity, learned medicine, exchanged letters with 5 his brothers, lived in Gedera and other jewish leaders.
In 1924 he returned Gedera as a doctor for children....
Doctor Minz lived in Gedera 6 years. He visited USA after his wife's death, and died there in 1930.
There is nothing about his father Samuel Mintz except of the info, that he has 15 children.

Private User
11/25/2010 at 10:11 AM

There are 8 generations between Samuel Yehuda Katsenelenbogen-Mintz
and Moshe Mintz. Moshe Mintz was born in 1860 and Samuel-Yehuda - in 1521
The average distance between generations about 50 years. It shows, that there must be some gaps in the tree. The average time shall be about 30 years.

Private User
11/25/2010 at 10:23 AM

The tree from Gedera museum also contain a brother of rabbi Eliezer Halevi-Mintz
Yitshak Halevi and Yitshak's son Moshe Mintz. The period of XV Century in Italy

Private User
11/25/2010 at 8:06 PM

I checked Neil Rosenstein's The Unbroken Thread

On page 181:

G9.1 matches R' Isaac Mintz (Minz)

G10 matches his son R' Zeev Wolf Pastecher Minz of Mereritz

G11.1 matches his son R' Aaron (Arosh) Minz

Page 183:

G12.6 matches his son Menachem Nachum Minz

I am not sure where the trail goes from there, or even whether this is the right line.

Nina: how did you calculate eight generations?

Private User
11/26/2010 at 6:21 AM

Mintz family genealogy tree (on photo)
XV Italy
1.Eliezer HaLevi Mintz
2.Judah Mintz
3.Abraham Mintz
============================XVI Germany
4.Moses Mintz
4.Joseph Mintz
5. Isaac Menachem Mintz
6.Moses Mintz
4.Hannah Mintz
+ Meir Katzenelenbogen
5.Samuel Judah Katzenellenbogen (1521-?)
6.Isaac Katzenelenbogen
============================ Russia
7.Zeev Wolf Minz
8.Abush Aharon Minz
9.Alexander Suskind Minz
10.Mejer Mendel Minz
11.Avraham Hirsch Mint
12.Samuel Mintz
13.(1) Dora
13.(2) Sam
+Benjamin Mintz
+ Joe Dreyfach
+ Zelig
+ Lizzie Vidrevitz
13.(8)Aharon Harry
+Ester Ostrovsky
+Kenny Lipson
13.(13)Moses (1860-1930)
+ Rosalia Fridlander
+ Hellen Mlenarzevitz
+Haim Harkawi
9.Matityahu Minz
9.Avigdor Grunberg
9.Mirsch Klatzko
9.JudahLoeb Minz
9.Menahem Nahum Minz
1. Isaak HaLevi
2. Moses Mintz

Private User
11/26/2010 at 6:23 AM

Here we see
G5.Samuel Judah Katzenellenbogen (1521-?)
G13.(13)Moses (1860-1930)
so, 8 generations between born in 1521 and born in 1860

11/26/2010 at 7:14 AM

As David Prins pointed out, the progenitor of the Minz family is Isaac of Meseritz Mintz as noted by the genealogist, Dr. Neil Rosenstein in his book "Unbroken Chain".
R' Isaac Mintz (Minz)

To help you to explore the family branches for yourself I have uploaded
the Minz family Chapter 3 Volume 1 Pages 181 - 185 from "The Unbroken Chain", Dr. Rosenstein's book.

Private User
11/26/2010 at 8:30 AM

it looks like the tree of G12.6 Menachem Nachum Mintz older brother Alexander Suskind Minz
what do you think?

Private User
11/27/2010 at 12:27 AM

Rabbi Aron Mintz (Geni) died in 1831, so if G9.Alexander Suskind Minz was his
first son - he, possibly, was born in about 1800?
G13.(13)Moses (1860-1930) Moses was born in 1860 and he was the 13 child of Samuel Mintz
If so, the first Samuel child (Dora) should born before 1850. Here we have
about 60 years for
10.Mejer Mendel Minz (1790?)
11.Avraham Hirsch Mint (1810?)
12.Samuel Mintz (<1830)
13.(1) Dora (<1850)
We have about 20 years between generations in 18xx. It can be possible, but few in the "standards" of 17xx-18xx.
Another problem of this identification - the tree from Gedera contains known
names, but Meir Wahl Katzenellenbogen (1 day King) not mentioned. Looks a bit strange.
Meir Wahl Katzenellenbogen and Abraham Katzenellenbogen (of Lvov) both lived on the territory of Russia, but the tree shows the row Russia after Yisaak Katzenellenbogen. Is it possible, that Yitshak was a brother of Meir Wahl and Abraham?

Private User
11/27/2010 at 12:42 AM

Rabbi Yitshak Katzenellenbogen, a father of Meir Katzenellenbogen died in 1530 in Prague. So, there can be several boys, named Yitshak in his children families.
Rabbi Samuel Yehuda Katzenellenbogen-Mintz (1521-1597), could have a son, named after his granddad. And this son could move Russia together with his brothers.
He could be businesman and not rabbi. If so, he could be not mentioned in "megilat Yahasin"

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