hi zev,
if you click on the profile of the Yitzhak Luria icon you should get that he was your 13th grandfather, thru his daughter Rivka Teomim.
he was my 11th grandfather thru my mother. probably somewhere on the line the 2 trees merged.
if you want to see the relationship of anyperson1 to anyperson2, all you have to do is click on profile for anyperson1, click the arrow in the relationship and now any profile you go to, for example anyperson2 will show the new relationship. click again and all relationships will be referred to you.
There is a website with an huge amount of books that can be donloaded for free "hebrewbooks.org" There you will find old and rare books with a lot of useful information. For example look for the following books : משפחת לוריא - חבל הכסף - ענף עץ אבות - מעלות היוחסין - טוב עין (הורוביץ - etc etc.
For people who have time this site is tremendous, and will give you a lot of answers
Good luck
@Chaim Vomberg
Hi according to the Geni Tree I am working with all Tosfos Yom Tov descendants would be descendants of the Ari Hakadosh. I dont have the time :( to do the research however I would love to know if this is an agreed fact?
Somebody mentioned that he was meshadech with Reb Yosef Karo?
thanks all for your help.
See the email I just sent you that shows how Tosfos Yom Tov is related to Ari Hakadosh. You and I are both descendants of Rachel Heller and Tosfos Yom Tov. Rachel Heller is a descendant of Ari Hakadosh.
Rachel Heller (Ashkenazi) / רחל הלר (wife of Tosfos Yom Tov)
Nechama (Nechele) Ashkenazi
her mother
Aharon Moshe Frankel-Teomim, אהרון משה פרנקל-תאומים
her father
Rivka Teomim
his mother
Yitzhak Luria, HaAR"I Hkadosh - יצחק לוריא, האר"י הקדוש
her father
There are good sources for the wife of Tosfos Yom Tov and her father. I don't know and couldn't find a source for the relationship of the mother of Aaron Moses Ashkenazi (Munk) to Yitzhak Luria HaAri haKadosh.
I don't have either Tosfos Yom Tov's genealogical material or the book on the Luria family (not sure if it's relevant). I have several other books by Neil Rosenstein that are more germane to my family.
I'll ask the Lurie's. They are good friends to my inlaws and now family (my wife's brother Eviatar married their daughter Tova - they just had a second boy)
I know they had some funny stories about geneology - like thinking they were from the Levi tribe, including aliot and other rituals - then finding out they were not.
דווח | מחק
Hello everyone,
I have recently learned that I am a direct descendant of Ha"ari hakadosh(יצחק לוריא, האר"י הקדוש is your 12th great grandfather.) I am looking for his living descendants today, this side of my family I do"nt know, does anyone know? can help?
i also direct descendant to Wahl-Katzenellenbogen family'and i also belong to francis family and looking for descendan
Does anyone know? Can anyone help me?
thank you