Private User wrote:
"Remi Trygve Pedersen
Óðinn / Woden / Woutan MP
Place of Burial:
Vestergøtland i Sverige
It clearly looks to me that it says place of burial.
Óðinn / Woden / Woutan"
Ian, this is not a source, this is just a statement. Legends like the one about Odin and Odensholm is flourishing in the nordic countries. None of them are reliable as a source to his death or burialplace.
There are hardly not a single town in Norway that hasn't a street named Odins street, We have Odins glacier, plenty of small islands called Odins rock or Odins reef. Both Norway and Sweden has several burial mounds called Odins Mound, ofcourse Odin can't be buried in all of them, probably he isn't buried in a single one of them.
My point being, if Odin ever existed as a real person, the writings about him is written more than 500 years after he could have existed, probably more. Not even at that time is it belieable that an oral culture could keep their oral history unchanged during a so long period of time. Therefore Snorris saga about Odin is untrustworthy as historical facts, therefore it is also untrustworthy facts in genealogy.
In fact there are better sources about Santa Claus existence than about Odin: