Thinks all profilea are back on public status except those co-mamanged by others or their profiles - have step-daughters profiles private - only because she wants me to lie about her first marriage - and children who belong to it - and i can not do that not in the code of ethics of genealogy nor mine -
Abigal Swiger (Underwood) , there are many issues with all of the underwood parents and children. Mutiple entries that can't be merged or deleted. Please help.
Thank you.
Christopher (Christian) Ash also needs some attention. Again multiple proflies with incomplete info that can't be merged or deleted. Thanks
Jennifer, you have 14 private profiles here
Jacob G. Ash
That is not helping things
About 20 profiled stacked waiting for merge.
Hi Anchit and Bjorn,
Thanks so much for responding. I tried to rename them, but the problem is they have already been merged with someone else's tree - and it is not giving me permission to delete or change the parents or Feigele herself. It is giving me specific choices of parents that I can change to, but none of those are the correct ones.
Thanks so much for your help!
Private User
your friend "Lupe" is a horny 16 year-old boy pretending to be a porn star that he's a fan of. I have spoken with him directly in the past. "Her" tree has been removed before and account has been suspended at least once.
Pretending to be someone else is against Geni's Terms of Service.
"Huricklkuc" is an anime CARTOON character. NEITHER of these really belong on Geni...
Geni GEDCOM Exports
Is anyone else having trouble loading exported files into other software. I use Brothers Keeper and have the same trouble with every file.
I asked Brothers Keeper for help - sent them the file - and got the following response:
"I checked the file and there are some problems with it. It has links from child to parents with the FAMC tag, but the parents are not in the gedcom file.For example, in the sample file you sent to me, the person ..... is shown in the gedcom file as having parents with the link to parents marriage record number being 1 FAMC @F6000000001933531888@ However, there is no family record with that number in the gedcom file, so she is linked to parents that are not in the file.If the gedcom file does not want to include the parents, then it should not include the FAMC link to the parents. You can fix the stat errors in the BK database with File, Quality Check and answer Yes for the missing parents.But you should not have to do that if the gedcom file was correct.
I have asked for Help with this before and been given none.
Stacey is this Lupe Fuentes??
Ok because it is her profile it means that it is a claimed profile, just like yours and mine, nobody else can take over management of our profiles only we can manage our own. So Geni cannot give you management of her profile.
Just get her to contact Geni by going to Help at the bottom of the page and click on Submit A Request
having been merged Lupe's profile no loner exists, there is only Huricklkuc. Both of them having been CLAIMED profiles, it would have required "both" of them to OK the merge, so this pretty much proves that "Lupe" is "Huricklkuc".
If you want, feel free to add Lupe to your tree. Just please, being a pr0n star, can we at least have a semi-decent photo. By the way, "her" fiancee's photo rather unflattering, and "just happened" to be identical to the one in Wikipedia. Not exactly what you'd expect from "her".
Only Customer-Service can delete an account. Both of these accounts have been reported to CS as such.
@Sandra Haley
I don't use Brothers Keeper, so can't help there. Did you possibly choose an export that didn't include all members of hte family? I did that and thought the GEDCOM was bad when in reality it was my fault.
Also, there are GEDCOM discussions, many of of them might have some help for you; just search on GEDCOM under discussions.