The easiest way to merge them is to view the profile of one, then go to the other and on the "More Actions" menu choose "Merge This Profile" -- that will give you a dialog box where you can type the name of the first one, which should show up as a recently-viewed profile. Click the Compare Profiles button and it'll take you to a page like the one I posted above.
This seems to be orphaned, and I cannot for the life of me find where it belongs or to who it belongs. Can someone help me out on this? Please?
Sally I had to go back to our logs for that one. Thomas's daughter (No Name, formerly Mary Page -- the revisions say you were the one who erased her names?) was added onto Nicholas Littlefield who was subsequently merged into Nicholas Littlefield
Mike and Terry.... Hummmn I must have had too much wine. Can't for the life of me remember doing anything with this profile. Must have been when working on Littlefield line, some time ago. I guess I will just delete, if I can find it.
In the meantime... I have this listed as a merge request, and feel sure that there is something wrong with this...
Still looking... but also found this. these 2 profiles have a yellow triangle on them, but I do not have permission to do anything about them.
Nathaniel Littlefield
I see only this Nicholas Littlefield... Although as my memory serves (or does not) there is another Nicholas prior to this one... So I cannot find Page.
Nicholas Littlefield
One more bothersome thing. Is this profile right? I am thinking there are errors in it. Can anyone confirm? It is in the Rogers line. and it too, is pretty much sitting out there all by itself.
Alice "Elsgen" Rogers
A few weeks ago, this discussion thread hosted some comments on reporting of profiles. I set out what I thought were some issues with that functionality, and friendly curator Erica gently and correctly responded that we were getting off topic. I have now set out my thoughts in a feature request Please feel free to comment there on reporting of profiles.
These are the same person but I can't figure out how to request a merge..
Margaret Peggy Beaman [Beeman)
Unknown Profile
Lots of dups in the Hunter line...