ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן on Sunday, September 5, 2010
Problem with this page?


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think it's OK. did you make any additional changes Ingrid Meissner ?

Of course, as many as I could.

Private User

I want to add persosn on a tree. The persons is Maurice Duquette who married Philomène Longtin (Duquette) who has a child Amanda Duquette who married Henri Célestin Pagé whos has Raoul Pagé who is my grand father. Coul you ask someone to contact me to talk about those persons.à


Louis Pagé
Email :

m Louis Page

There is a tree

with Maurice Duquet and Philomène Longtin etc..

Haven't found Amanda nor her husband

Private User

I do not understand which is why these profiles are not in a tree

Celia Laurnaga Usabiaga
(1887 - d.)
Daughter of Victorio Laurnaga Goñi y Francisca Usabiaga Echenique
Wife of Mariano Marcos Bonino Cazot
Mother of Julio Eduardo Bonino Laurnaga
Sister of Victorio Laurnaga Usabiaga; José Humberto Laurnaga Usabiaga; Julio Laurnaga Usabiaga; Francisca Laurnaga Usabiaga y otros 2
Martha María Bonino Bordes Ver perfil
Eduardo Matías Laurnaga Usabiaga
(1889 - d.)
Son of Victorio Laurnaga Goñi y Francisca Usabiaga Echenique
Brother of Victorio Laurnaga Usabiaga; José Humberto Laurnaga Usabiaga; Julio Laurnaga Usabiaga; Francisca Laurnaga Usabiaga y otros 2
Gustavo Latorre (c) Ver perfil

Francisca Laurnaga Usabiaga
(1885 - d.)
Daughter of Victorio Laurnaga Goñi y Francisca Usabiaga Echenique
Sister of Victorio Laurnaga Usabiaga; José Humberto Laurnaga Usabiaga; Julio Laurnaga Usabiaga; Celia Laurnaga Usabiaga y otros 2
Gustavo Latorre (c) Ver perfil
José Humberto Laurnaga Usabiaga
(1882 - d.)
Son of Victorio Laurnaga Goñi y Francisca Usabiaga Echenique
Husband of Julieta Bevilacqua
Father of Hugo Humberto Laurnaga Bevilacqua
Brother of Victorio Laurnaga Usabiaga; Julio Laurnaga Usabiaga; Francisca Laurnaga Usabiaga; Celia Laurnaga Usabiaga y otros 2
Gustavo Latorre (c) Ver perfil

Julio Laurnaga Usabiaga
(1884 - d.)
Son of Victorio Laurnaga Goñi y Francisca Usabiaga Echenique
Brother of Victorio Laurnaga Usabiaga; José Humberto Laurnaga Usabiaga; Francisca Laurnaga Usabiaga; Celia Laurnaga Usabiaga y otros 2
Gustavo Latorre (c) Ver perfil
María Lilia Laurnaga Usabiaga
(1892 - d.)
Daughter of Victorio Laurnaga Goñi y Francisca Usabiaga Echenique
Sister of Victorio Laurnaga Usabiaga; José Humberto Laurnaga Usabiaga; Julio Laurnaga Usabiaga; Francisca Laurnaga Usabiaga y otros 2
Gustavo Latorre (c) Ver perfil

Victorio Laurnaga Usabiaga
(1881 - d.)
Son of Victorio Laurnaga Goñi y Francisca Usabiaga Echenique
Brother of José Humberto Laurnaga Usabiaga; Julio Laurnaga Usabiaga; Francisca Laurnaga Usabiaga; Celia Laurnaga Usabiaga y otros 2
Gustavo Latorre (c) Ver perfil

Private User
Thanks four your information
Yes I saw it, but when you search for surnames Laurnaga Usabiaga, In the search results does not appear this tree

When I search I get this

The first person on the list is Celia Laurnaga Usabiaga

Private User

Elizabeth Ellen Barclay

Elizabeth Ellen Barclay (Buxton) appears to have two sets of parents. Her dates match Thomas Fowell Buxton and Rachel Jane Gurney and agree with my records.

I have sent an email to the managers but have not had a response to past requests.

Can you please help?

Thanks, Jonathan Evans

Jonathan Evans

Disconnected erroneous parents.

Private User To my surprise I was able to do this for you without crashing the iPad.

Private User

Thanks Erica Howton


Done !


Private User

Please check

I take it you are not able or willing to talk directly to Monica M. McDonald?

Who is doing all the Privatizing - you or her?

Privatizing profiles makes it extremely difficult, if not impossible, for anyone else at ANY level - even Curator level - to help you at all.

Private User you got that right. Those two people are on my ignore list because I refuse to be drawn into their internal fueding.

At this point I think there really is no other option.

Please can you assign the correct parents to this profile and split the tree as necessary. The profile in question is A.I Jainu-Deen and the correct parents are Ibrahim and Sithi Athija.
Thank you.

Mike Stangel or Customer Service,

Can you please have a look at this and help her out.

I came here to ask for help with a question about a possible merge i thought was incorrect and am NOT happy about feeling so on trial because of the actions of others..

it's this kind of behavior.. and yes I am not perfect i am gulity of it some times.. that turns me away from this thread and for asking for help.. I'm going to log off for a bit and cool down.. see ya.

I can understand their anger however about this as i too am ticked off about this private thing but it is best handled privately and nicely and not here.. but there is no pleasing people on this issue either.

Hello, in the round!

Some of you may recall, a couple of weeks back, I was trying to contact Victar about my grandfather Ramon Tossas Escalera, Alcalde de Juana Diaz, who he had curated.
Well, the developments of late are, the merge has been completed and my cousin is now a co- manager of our common great grandfather's profile.
What is disturbing to me, is that although, the processes are completed and all is well, in this branch... for,some reason, I never heard any response or anything at all from Victar (although, I have expressed my concern for his well being as well as, my concern, for his unusual lack of interaction, with me... Although, were collaboration on some things- Puerto Rican, at some point...)
And it would seem, he un- curated, my grandfather's profile... :-/

I am at a loss, for what may have happened or what I may have done or what may have caused such dismay, that Victar, it would seem, has literally cut me off (blocked me. I can no longer follow him or post to,his wall. etc.)

I can not recall ant indication of conflict or static, between us and some might say, I am "hyper sensible" to discrepancies and conflict of any kind... Which is the main reason,,why this concerns me.

Now, all of this has led me to speculate, what the reason behind Victar's cold shouldering me, might be... Please, allow me to give you all some general background on the line he had curated.

Ramon Tossas Escalera was apparently a bitter, tough cookie whom some might describe as a true blue ***hole. (

(Although, I never knew him and never heard much anything about him... Except for a picture my Aunt Ruby, my cousin Lille and my cousin Dolores had mentioned in 2008.)... Until all the cousins began collaborating in Fb, together...about 2011, I have since heard, (no we are not proud, but one must accept the way things were, rewriting history, is not an option.) he had an erratic an treacherous temper... and was known to have whipped a "disobedient slave" in the town square public exhibition of his anger and dismay.
I somehow feel, maybe he is possibly, the reason, for Victar "cutting me off"

The point of my message is, I cannot get out of my head, that there is apparently some sort of conflict or aversion, between Victar to me... and it won't let me rest... not being able to understand why.
And it bothers me... because, I am certain, he's a cousin... (I believe all piertomricans are related, in at least one way, when not multiply.

a. they seemed to make a habit of marrying cousins...
b. It is a pretty small island.
c. I have noticed that even those from Spain... which landed in Venezuela, Chile, Bolivia, Brazil, Peru, Costa Rico, Mexico... find not only, some relationship to each other, but also share common migrational paths, with each other.)

And Victar was my el primero (the One) collaborator/curator, who I had bet all my cards on, to get things things clarified. Not only on my great grandfather's profile, but also, in various other projects: Puerto Rican.

Is there anyone would be willing to maybe just ask Victar, "What happened?", in my case... and just let me know... my conscience cannot find peace, especially, since I don't even know why.

I would so appreciate it.

Sleepless in Sandhausen


Es Dreht sich bestimmt nicht um Drama. Wirklich null.
Nur um klarheit. Ich bin wirklich den aller letzte... die irgend ein form von konflikt Oder sonstige ärger sich wünscht, Cousin. <3

Private User


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