I have another question & need your help. I am still learning my way around GENi and the "Media" tab. How do I get a pix from "My pix" folder to a persons profile??? I also didn't realize that I was creating a 2nd folder for the family "Ryerson" and would like to merge those 2 photo albums so all in the album will be seen in any of that family's media. Tried to add pix of Christian's (aChristian G Ryerson) brothers to his media profile, but think it went into my album, now can't figure out how to get it into his album or merge the album that has his wife's pix with his.
What is the best way to organize the pix that I add??? Do I start a new album for each person? or family? or put them in my album?
I have all of the people I have added to my different profiles I think in My album, but put a few in their own.