Cecil - 600 merge requests in the past 6 weeks sort of blows my mind. I wonder -
1) How many were for Private Profiles matching ones in your Max Extended Family (ie back to 3rd greatgrandparent or out to 4th cousin)?
2) How many were for Public Profiles matching ones in your Max Extended Family?
3) How many were for Private Profiles outside your Max Extended Family?
4) How many were for Public Profiles outside your Max Extended Family?
When you say you requested Merges -- did you actually send a geni-message to the Manager of the Profile - explaining in cases 1 and 2 above how you were related to the Person in question and asking if they would like to merge? Did you limit this to only one member of a family (eg, if someone had added your great-aunt Sue along with her children and etc and etc - anywhere from several to 100 or more profiles - did you send just one request - or did you rudely click merge on all of them?)
Geni's other, equal goal, is for Family sharing info with Family. In cases 3) or 4) above, what explanation did you give the manager for wanting to merge?
Since you are a Pro connected to the Big Tree, cases 2) and 4) should have gone thru automatically unless they were part of a separate Tree.
Personally, I consider if very rude if someone clicks "merge" for one of the Profiles I manage without sending me a geni-message explaining why - preferably before clicking to merge. On the other hand, anyone who sends me the message (either direct or from the Profile in question thru "Contact Manager") I usually respond to. If you have not tried contacting the managers, I strongly suggest you do so.