ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן on Sunday, September 5, 2010
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Showing 3961-3990 of 8939 posts

Job, did you actually want those merges finished, or did you want more genealogical research before we make any merges? I see you saying we don't know enough about that part of the tree to make merge requests, so I'm trying to determine how to best help.

Revd. James Clayborn Walker

This used to be my great great grandfather. Someone that is sharing management, has gone through and turned most of their tree into noname. Is there something I should be doing to protect myself against information just being deleted? I had the correct information about my great grandfather. I spoke directly to my Grandmother before she died this summer.

Julia -

I have restored the information for Revd. James Clayborn Walker. Please check it to see if it is all correct. I am also trying to find out why the changes were made.

If you know of other profiles where valid information was altered/removed, please let me know, and I'll restore it wherever possible. (You may send me the information in a private message.)


Like I said we just do not know enough about those profiles to decide.
If there are no real data conflicts it is probably ok to merge.
It is a very early ancestor so I'm not too concerned about leaving some issues unresolved for now.


I do not have enough information to resolve data conflicts. I might correct some very obvious cases, but probably leave most for others.

Er der nogen som kan hjælpe, mig at ryde op her.

Slægten Kjærulf

jeg har set at i afteh er der lagt profiler sammen omkring slægten Kjærulf ,
Jeg har skilt dem af igen fordi

Det er en FYSISK umulighed, at dette man lægger sammen her kan være rigtigt ,
det mangler nogle beviser for rigtigheden der af ,

Anders Ulf vier man Anna Orni

min påstand er nej

Anna Orni f. 1405

Svend Orning ( hendes broder f. 1489 , 84 år mellem søskende ????)

Ikke nok med dette

Anna Orni f. 1405 ca og Anders Ulf 1390 ca skulle efter denne sammenlægning, så
være forældre til
Anders Andersen Kjærulf . 1410 - 1458 ca

Er der nogen her som kender til andre mødre på KUN 5 År

Denne Anna Orni har ikke sin plads her.

Marion Jensen

30/11/2011 kl. 10:18 PM
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Anne Orni
linket her skulle have været vedsat

Marion Jensen

30/11/2011 kl. 10:30 PM
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til underbyggelse af min påstand

Re: Anders Ulf - Anne Madsdatter Orning?

Indsendt af: Jesper Frederiksen (IP Logget)

Dato: 13/08-07 21:04

Hej Finn

Tak for hjælpen. Jeg har netop skrevet til ham og fik autosvar, at han er gået på pension, og at alle mails fremsendes til skolen. Så er det altså et skoleprojekt. Jeg melder tilbage her på tråden, når jeg evt. får svar.

Med venlig hilsen


Valg: Svar på dette indlæg•Citér dette indlæg

Re: Anders Ulf - Anne Madsdatter Orning?

Indsendt af: Finn Holbek (IP Logget)

Dato: 13/08-07 21:18

Hej Jesper

Ja det er et projekt under Absalonskolen i Roskilde.
Hmm.., gad vide om det i det hele taget fortsætter?

Ideen til fremstillingen er glimrende, og man må jo konstatere at Google sluger alle de genererede html-sider som sukker.
Det holder bare ikke når der er så mange indlysende grove fejl og dokumentation er fuldstændigt udeladt.

Vil gerne høre evt. svar.

Venlig hilsen Finn

[] - Skeel - Holbek - Schaffalitzky de Muckadell - Ahlefeldt-Laurvigen

Redigeret 2 gang(e). Sidst ændret 13/08/07 21:20 af Finn Holbek.

Marion, kan du sende et link til en af ​​de profiler?

Anne Madsdatter Orning OBS er ikke rigtig

Jeg har lagt ind under om mig
at det kan ses at Anne Orni er en opdigtet person

som jeg skriver oven over

5 år da hun bliver mor
84 år mellen Anne og hendes bror

OG endnu værer er det at se

Anne`s mor er født, 28 år efter Anne er født,

alt er forkert

Og her er linket hvor Anne Orni
var sat på som Hustru

Anders Wulff

Er alle de øvrige ledere ikke er aktiv længere?
Du kan altid fjerne den fiktive person
Taler du engelsk, Så kan jeg besked hvad du skal gøre

Private User I can not see Anne Orni when I go to Anders Ulf his profile, there are a lot of other active managers, have you contacted them yet?

eg kan ikke se Anne Orni når jeg går til Anders Ulf hans profil, der er en masse andre aktive forvaltere, har du kontaktet dem endnu?

I communicated with Marion off-line and gave her a go-ahead to make all changes necessary to match the Kjærulfske Studier document for this area. There is a lot of various sources on these lines and we have talked earlier on following that document. The above profiles did not match any dates to the profiles it was connected to.

Well done, Brox.

But Marion, could you possibly keep the coat of arms (våbenskjold) as profile pictures? :-)

I can do that when the profiles are ready to become Master Profiles.

Private User Private User glad this is sorted out, as you can see my Danish is not great :)

Lydeke Olofsson Djäkn (Djekn) & Sophie Eriksdatter Løvenbalk need to be split up as they cannot possibly have been spuses as they did not even live at the same time is not the mother of Lydeke Olofsson Djäkn (Djekn)'s children.

Please remove the connection as this gives a lot of people a completely wrong ancestry!!

Private User, you need to explain this a bit better, because so far I can see it is only 6 years different between those two. (Lydeke and Sophie)

Well now I have a problem... a bad merge, probably my fault... but clearly there is an intergenerational problem here....
Can someone help me without changing my tree which I think is probably correct....
My tree

I separated Mary Ann Steele Rankin from the elder William Rankin from Scotland, and left her married to the younger one from Ireland. Using the link to your tree was not terribly helpful as there are several private profiles.


Check out the dates for Sophie siblings, there is about 100 yrs. difference in the ages. It would seem Sophie has been merged with some one else and her date of birth changed, in the revisions there is a later date.

Carole (Erickson) Pomeroy,Vol. Curator I don’t dispute something is wrong, but we need more information so we can figure out what have happened or what is wrong. Assuming isn’t good enough reason to disconnect.
All I asked for is a bit more information about the case.

Marie... Thank you. Yeah, I know about the private profiles, they have been meddlesome to me also.

Jacques Boucher & this person,
Jean Boucher
does anyone know if they really died on the same day, or is this a mistake?

Jeanne Mercier
and she apparently died on the same day too!

Here is another one of those troublesome intergenerational problems...


No I would not disconnect until more references are found to know which relationship to remove. It looks to be more then one Profile that has been miss-merged.

Lydeke Olofsson Djäkn (Djekn) & Sophie Eriksdatter Løvenbalk were not alive at the same time:
According to den Danska Adelsförfenings skrift "Danmarks Adels Aarbog" (DA 1903:291) she was married Lydeke Olsen Djekn who died around 1509 at which time she was still alive

Lydeke was not the same Lydeke as he was born at abt. 1350 and died around 1409. The problem is that she is now connected to the wrong man by the same name

Private User, I have now disconnected Sophie Eriksdatter Løvenbalk from Lydeke Olsen Djekn.

Curators, ( Private User Yigal Burstein)

I hope one of you could help me with my (other) account which was deleted over a month ago by someone, and Geni help has been unable (or refusing) to help after repeated requests.

The account was a fictional character, and was thus added to a Fake Profiles project. I suspect Geni decided to delete every profile in there. The help person claims that he wasn't able to locate my profile.

If you would go to Confucius' son Kong Li 孔鯉 , you'll see it was created by 賈寶玉(二) Chiao Pao-yü, which is crossed out.

At this point I don't so much want that account to be restored (as I still have the managing rights over all 10,000+ profiles), but I really would like to have all the photos and documents back at my hands. For instance, you could look at these albums
and there are other albums which I can no longer access. This is ridiculous.

Most likely the curators can do nothing about it. But could someone tell me how else I could get Geni's attention? Their help person can't do anything.

Showing 3961-3990 of 8939 posts

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