Oke Hendrickson@Oke
The url for this profile is: Oke Hendrickson
Earlier this evening I had made a comment on "Bug report - non PRO cannot cancel a bad merge" . My comment was: "Somehow one of the ancestors on my tree got merged with a similarly named person on another person's tree. I don't know how this happened, but when I try to delete the ancestor by removing the relationship between him and his parents, GENI warns me that it will split the tree and doesn't complete the action. But splitting the tree is what I need to do. Otherwise, I have a whole group of unrelated people attached to my tree. How can this be fixed? I don't want to change anyone else's tree, just fix mine. Could one of the GENI curators provide some help with this?"
David Prins replied: "To get attention from a curator, post the details with links to the problem area at http://www.geni.com/discussions/80793 and explain what you would like fixed."
Okay, what would fix this problem would be a curator to split this tree at Oke Hendrickson. I don't know how it happened that a number of profiles were merged on my part of the tree (I do not believe I ever approved such a merge), but it resulted in thousands of profiles being added to my tree which I believe are incorrect, and I don't want them in my tree. I have no evidence they are related to my ancestors. Moreover, some of the profiles I had previously put out there myself need to be corrected and I can't do it with the tree as it is. So, if you would please allow the other managers to have "their" Oke Hendrickson profile the way it is, and delete that "Oke Hendrickson" connection from my tree, I would then be able to fix the problems.
I think it would be nice if I could have split the tree myself to fix the bad merge, but if that's not possible, then I appreciate having a curator's taking on this task for me.
Thanks for your help with this frustrating problem!