Someone had managed to merge Skule Thorfinnsson and Skule Tosteson together in this profile: Skule Torstigson, - I don't know how far this error is going..
I guess you've cleaned up the old error, but according to my source
his dad should be tostig godwinsson.
So I guess some one needs to get rid of barth ness guy.
Tostig Godwinson, Earl of Northumbria
Was today deleted by Frank Harald Johansen
It it still possible that he was the father, even if it is doubtful if Judith of Flanders was Skules mother.
Maybe if someone with historical insight could take a look at this unmerges?
#Den Store Norske Lexikon: https://snl.no/Krok
Here is a translation I have done based on "Den Store Norsk Lexikon":
Godwin earl of Wessex descends from the Norwegian family House of "Krok". (see source Den Store Norske Lexikon): ..."Krok - an old Norwegian noble family that had a six bladed rose surrounded by three wings in their weapons (tinctures are not known). The family is said to derive from the English Earl Godwin of Wessex:. Godwin was the father of Toste, Earl of Northumberland, which coincided with Harald Hardrada at the Battle of Stamford Bridge 1066. Tostes sons Skule and Ketil Krok went with Olav Kyrre to Norway. ....
@Ulf Ingvar Göte Martinsson - could there be a Swedish family name by the name of "Krok"? - I'm asking because I found this article on the Internet: http://kampeniringen.se/kampanjen-2/hunaland-2/geografi/de-tre-l-ne...