Zombies please

Started by Noah Tutak on Friday, May 28, 2010
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For those who don't know, a "zombie" is a profile of a deceased person that is incorrectly marked as living. We have a new way that we can "kill" these zombies. If you come across any zombies in the tree, please post a link to a nearby profile here and I'll do my best to take care of them.

Noah I think the problem og "non zombies is growing bigger and bigger I don't have a good idea, but something must be done.
You say please post a link - to where?? here?? GENIhelp?? or??

*donning my slayer suit* We gotta be ready for when we come across a zombie. It is usually when we are unsuspecting. Don't shy away from them, yes- they look scary. Just merge anyway and at the end check the deceased box. It is the kiss of death (literally) for them.

If left un-checked the Zombie problem is going to continue and grow.

1 - Not all Profile owners will remain in contact with Geni “ALL” of the time.
2 - Profile owners – can become history by meeting their maker (Death)

There has to be some ay of establishing weather a Profile owner is still active. Geni could provide for a “Non-Participating” clause in an agreement with us users so that after a set period of inactivity on the part of a Profile owner, the profiles owed become public property.

I have sharpened my stake and polished my hammer, eaten heaps of garlic and put a rosary on my laptop. Zombies here we come.

Yes, zombies are a big issue, and I believe that we now have a way to address them. Just post a link here to a profile in the infected part of the tree and I'll see what we can do.

Great - the script was able to kill a bunch of zombies around each of these profiles. Let me know what you think.

I have numerous zombies in my direct lines that I would like to get help with. Can you tell me a little bit about how your fix works? Example - Is it taking the profile I list and marking them and their ancestors deceased? It would just change how I go about finding and listing them. I don't want to bombard you unnecessarily. Thank you for the help!

Okay, I've run the script on all these. Basically, the script determines whether the profile is high enough up in the tree to be considered a zombie and, if so, "kills" all of its close relatives.

The manager of the profile is not taken into consideration at all, and I only need one profile in each part of the tree.

Wow, that one found a lot!

Noah did you run it on this one? I still see the zombies:
George Washington, 1st President of the United States


Those are both now zombie free zones.

10 zombies attached to this profile

(No Name)

Page 3 is done.

These are all done now.

Private User The manager doesn't matter - what I need is a link to a profile in the infected part of the tree, ideally one with a lot of descendants.

does your script also check if these profiles should be public or not?

Barakiel .
Abel .
Johanan ., High Priest

Noah, I have a couple hundred zombies in the biblical trees ( http://www.geni.com/list?focus_id=6000000000961697233&group=des... ), but have a problem locating them, because if I filter for 'Living' I don't have a link to them...

Hey Everybody, you too can help kill zombies in profiles you have access to. See how to do that here:

These are all done.

Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן I'll do some zombie killing work in this area. When we kill a zombie we also make it public when appropriate.

Noah - THANK YOU! This is truly wonderful. My merge issues are just melting away.

Private User Glad to hear! I've taken care of this one as well.

I've run the script on all profiles up to this point.

9 zombies under the fitst 100 profiles!!

Page 7 is done.

Is there a reason that not all of mine are being done or even looked at ?

Let's try this:
Eliyahu Hager
Unknown Profile
Menachem Mendel Hager, the Younger

Page 8 is done.

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