Collaboration Pool

Started by Private User on Wednesday, April 21, 2010
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Showing 1051-1080 of 1468 posts

Michael T Lancaster one word of advice don't foolish leave - like Gene Daniels told me before he was a curator - lay back a couple of weeks, a month and then come back and view your tree - - tho changes are very irritating and that we are being forced into paying for something we were told was "Free and sharing' I know its frustrating after having entered so many profiles - - I have noticed your work from the day I joined GENI on November 26, 2009 and have enjoyed your work in many of the profiles that cross into my tree

I know were are all dissatisfied with GENI on various levels and for various reasons over the changes they instituted since the big crash of August 2011 and the way that they have went about instituting for the non-pro accounts to basically useless an enticement to get you to join GENI and then have to pay to accomplish anything unless you “ASK” others who are pro or curators – it makes you feel like you are not knowledgeable of genealogy and your ancestry and inferior to the pros and curators and this is a feeling I do not appreciate since I have been working on my family lines since 1976 and I complied several manuscripts which are non-published but always shared freely for either free (if person was a major contributor) or just for the cost of Xeroxing and postage back before I was connected to the internet - back in 1982 I undertook the updating of the section of John Emery of the 1890 book John and Anthony Emery of Newbury, Ma. and collected anything and everything on the Emery name - I even started updating the descendants of Conrad Emery (these are freely available on the internet to all by me else where form a private website); I also transcribed several printed genealogies in full into PAF the Overmyer Genealogies (2 books); Stahl, and the The Norris Family of Maryland and Virginia, Genealogy of Thomas Norris 1361 – 1930 Harry Alexander Norris 1941, Transcript 4 Vols. (and the 2-3 minors books on them) this is a rare manuscript of which only 3 copies exist besides being on micro film.
I have extensive work on the Vandeventers, Hardesty/Hardisty, Edington , Mckee lines to share a lot still left to be inputed - most of my data for the Gastineaus and the Dye/duyts line is in finally I do believe as along with my Whitworth line.

I joined GENI in hopes to preserve all lmy work - to share my work with others who possibly could be connected and to possibly find very very distant cousins unknown to me who are working on these lines - and help them not to re-do all this - much of it was handed to me in outline from - I call it a “silver platter’’ since my lines remained in one county from 1823 – till mom and dad left in 1948 - and all that is left in my direct immediate line are my brother (and out 3 children and my 3 grandchildren) and 3 cousins, and an elderly Aunt of 89 none of which are interested at this moment in time in the family history in fact my unmarried Aunt refused to offer help ever in what she knew of the family which is or was a lot and only recently shared a few pictures of many which she has … I also joined because of my husbands total Scotland heritage - he being the immigrant to America in 1912 in hopes of finding people working on the very hard to trace Scotland lines and very expensive to research - I placed all information that we received from the Scots ancestry research Society back in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s from them into GENI plus what I have found through various sources online in hopes of filling out the families.

There are now 19 posts on this discussion and only 2 are on subject!

meant to say this page. now there are 20

Not that I am keeping track but 10 of them were either started by you or the result of a comment made by you....... Relax,Have a nice day keep smilin ...ttfn

The result of trying to get back on topic.
I am always relaxed. It is a waste of time to go here to answer what should be a collaboration request only to find history of someones research which should be in the correct discussion not here.
Back to my research.

So at least I wasn't the only one . Fn Duck is right RELAX! It 'll be all right! All is right the world of Geni !

Please put your posts elsewhere if you are not requesting to join the colaboration pool. Eldon is right we need to keep this discussion on subject.

Then I suggest several other people with non related post go somewhere elsealso not just the three of us , that I gather you are refering to,. As I said before ,I was responding to legitimate posts As usual only certain people are allowed to express an opinion. But that's fine not interested in collaboration at the moment since I had very bad luck with it before.I acturally, had one peson put herself in as a manager and she's still there. Yet I don't know how she got there. Did not collaborate with her or any of former names. She's had many. I can remember talking with her on occasion concerning diferent things but as far I can remember I never agreed to collaborate with her, Yet there she was and here she is again. Stuck with her. Now this is on the collaboration idea. I do have one ate the moment and will be very very careful whom I aline with. When I can I will join even tho I really don't feel I should have to. There are a few people I might like to start re colaborating with again..

Judy, The management thing would be the result of a merge, not collaboration and my comment about being on subject was not directed at anyone in particular. It applies to all discussions.
Maybe you should take your own advice and relax.

Please, I BEG you. I subscribe to this thread because I want to collaborate. When I see a message in my email inbox that there is a response to this thread I get all excited that there's someone new to collaborate with. Then I see that it's only you trying to get in the last word. If we all concede that you are RIGHT and everyone else is WRONG, will you please stop posting in this thread? I'll even announce you Queen of Geni if you'll please stop. Thank you so much!

Marsha Gail Veazey I could not agree more, this project is set up to function as a place where users can find people to collaborate with, can you imagine if someone new to Geni read all this ? It would put me off big time.

Feel free to start or continue the conversation elsewhere ( start a discussion if you feel the need)

Great idea add my cooperation @Mark S Hewitt

@Sally Thomas

Do I have any collaborators? I thought I did, but now I wonder... looking to find list, where do I find my collaborator list? Is there such a list, any more?

Thanks, Fred... It shows only the auto accept list which seems to be very limited. I have 83 altogether, most of the 83 do not show up on the list presented. ok, I just wanted to know where it was.

I'm in
@Pamela Allen

@Daniel K Woodruff

I'm willing!
@Janice Ruble Weaver

I'm in @ Pamela Allen

@Stacey Mayer - gladly! I'm having the hardest time finding the background of my maternal grandmother's family from Wigan, England. Your assistance welcome.

Stacey Shannon Mayer - Rice and Wells @ Maine I presume .... ttfn

I'm in, @ Pamela Allen

I still don;t know why you want to have access to our Family Trees if you are not connected in some way. Some one could do major damage to our Family Tree which some of us have put over 40 years into. I have enough problems with people taking over their profile and then losing their passwords and i can not make corrections. Please explain to me Jason why it is soooooooooo important that we give you complete access!

Dennis Blake


We don't want access to your private profiles. For that we need you to join our Family Group, but collaborate on your public profiles.

This way we can merge your public profiles into other public profiles.


Dennis, how do you know for sure that we are not connected in some way? With more than 100k profiles in the tree I get surprised every day in finding profiles well know to me through histry and/or in other ways - where I would have placed a bet at any time, that "we are not connected in any way"...


Hey Ladies and Gentlemen.
I may be offline sometimes, but that's due to other business or tasks at hand. I'm game for collaboration anytime.
In case you need speedy attention, don't hesitate to send me an e-mail
@"Magnus Bågenholm"

Showing 1051-1080 of 1468 posts

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