Collaboration Pool

Started by Private User on Wednesday, April 21, 2010
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I don't notifications from the Collaboration Pool project when someone requests to join, so if there are people who I *should* be collaborating with but am not as a result of that, I apologize, and feel free to send me a separate request.

Liivi and David... I think we are confusing terms... "joining a project", "adding a profile to a project", and "following a project".

-the creator of a project gets emails when someone wants to join the project (uses the drop-down option to "request to join").
-anyone who is already your collaborator can join the project directly, so no one is notified that they want to join.
-other collaborators/followers of the project do not receive "join" notices.

-collaborators who are following a project will receive notice when ever something changes on the project (collaborator is added in this case)

-adding a profile to a project is not the same as joining a project.
-all collaborators who have requested notice that "profiles have been added" to projects they follow would receive notice whenever someone adds a profile (not what happens in the collaboration pool project, but profiles are added in almost all other projects).

Not even I am member of the project just because of the notification noise it will create.

@Nancy Ellen Ferguson

obviously I didn't join this project correctly because I have gotten 3 "requests to collaborate" in the last 15 minutes, and I thought posting my name here @Nancy Ellen Ferguson would cause auto-collaboration.

Nancy entering your name here shows your willingness to join the Collaboration Pool, We still have to request Collaboration with you and you still have the choice of accepting or refusing.Sorry it isn't automatic

Angus, I'm not sure I agree with your "choises"...
I would put it like this:
-We still have to request Collaboration with you and you still have the choice of accepting or leaving the Collaboration Pool.

There's been a discussion of unresponsive collaborators
and it seems a small handful of persons entering the "pool" have chosen to be "part time collaborators" due to their own interpretation of the "rules".

So let's take a look at the rules, shall we?
Found here:
I'm quoting:
"The rules are simple:
1.) if you post here, you are indicating your willingness to accept any collaboration request from anyone else who posts here"

So there you have it.

Karl: Angus is correct. In practice, people still have the choice of accepting or refusing collaboration and remaining in the project.

That is not to say that refusing is consistent with joining and remaining in the project. But as you have shown and stated, there are people who have indeed chosen not to accept all collaboration requests, rightly or wrongly.

Your rewording may be what the project rules say the choices should be, but there are other choices in practice, like it or not.

Yes David, what I spoke of, was "in theory".
And what you're describing is practice.
Which is what it all boils down to.

But don't get me wrong, it isn't for me to like or dislike.
It's more like me putting the finger on an issue.
And now I'd like to (oh, I said the "l"word again) change the subject. Slightly.


When I first became aware of the "pool" I had difficulties understanding the concept.
(it's still a little blurry but I think I'm getting the hang of it now)
-The first step is to hope that the manager of the duplicate profile I'm trying to merge ALSO IS A "POOL" MEMBER?
Youp! has happened to me! 'Could merge directly.
-But if he isn't, let's hope he is collaborating with a "pool" member?
Youp! Had that too! Just sent the merge-request-URL to our common collaborator and pop goes the duplicates!
-But my latest experience with the "collaboration effect" I've not fully understood but nevertheless started liking: It seems I'm able to perform merges even though I'm not collaborating with the "other" manager. Even profiles I'm not managing.
When I THOUGHT I was going to make a "merge-request" because the text in the blue button at the bottom of the page said "yes, request to merge"
(as opposed to "yes, merge these profiles" when you're clearly collaborating or it's within family group)
the merge went straight through and a text appeared: "the merge has been auto-completed by your collaborators"

And last but not least, the "pool" makes you aquinted with a lot of nice people!

Karl - I agree with all that!

Karl...I agree as well.

The merges I DON'T like to see are the one's that four or five people I recognize as my collaborators have already approved the merge and you STILL can't get it completed!

Newly started,you can do mistake like that, I did it my self, and the only way we can do solve it is by helping and try to restore.

Ella Johansson

@Janet Witten

@Connie White

I'm in but I just started. Please have patience as I add stuff. thanks. Tracy Blackmon Cohen


@Ivan Brosbøl

Good idea!

@Christel Pierson

Well, some of my biggest gripes are people duplicating profiles that I have already put on my tree, instead of just using the arrows to add to the persons profile, and then PRIVITIZING the profiles!!! So you get 2 or three profiles of the same person that I cannot merge.
And if the people that need to merge profiles on my tree don't see this, what's the point

Eve Tikerperi

i would recommend that the profiles with multiple managers that are in public area of the tree by default are public and cannot be made private.

Jaak Tulp...Curators have the ability to make 'some' of those historical private profiles public, post the links to the profiles here
and one of us will look at them.

I am in @Naude Visser

Seems to be a good solution to me.

@alyson banks
I am happy in help in whatever way I can; it's a great concept!

@Vickey Nelson

Private User
I'm not sure I get it but I'll add my name

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