Collaboration Pool

Started by Private User on Wednesday, April 21, 2010
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  • Private User
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  • Private User
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Showing 901-930 of 1468 posts


@Marc Shepherd

Private User

Count me in!

Eric Charles Shotwell

Private User

David Emerling

Let's try this again.

David Martin Emerling

Amanda Howen@Amanda

Private User

@sten waldo

@Ruth Ann Frantz. Thanks for (hopefully) helping the duplication problem.

Whew! I've now gone through the list TWICE (one through the entire discussion, and once through Henn's list) because I tend to be a bit obsessive that way and wanted to make sure I didn't miss anyone. It's a bit brain-numbing!

As my requests are being accepted, I'm setting all of the curators to "auto-accept". I'm also following all of the curators in the hopes that paying attention to their discussion posts, etc, I can learn the ins and outs of Geni.

I found several people on the list who haven't claimed their profiles and are unable to become collaborators. Perhaps they should be removed from the Collaboration Pool? Here are the ones I found:


Private User There will, additionally to these 3, be enough long list of these who will never accept your collaboration request...

I'm sure there will be, but I can't control that! There was also one who wanted to know why I wanted to collaborate, as we don't have any common ancestors.

I double-checked to make sure I'd put "Collaboration Pool" in my request, and then sent him a reply explaining that it was because he had joined the pool, and asking if perhaps he hadn't understood that he'd agreed to accept all requests from other pool members? His reply was that he'd understood perfectly well.

And there've been other issues. No problem, there are always issues in every endeavor, aren't there? /smile

I just thought it would save everyone time and trouble if we could remove these three people from the Pool, as they cannot be collaborators!

Private User

Please keep this thread related to the collaboration pool. Ask for votes in a separate thread. Thank you.

Shlomo Wygodny

@Debbie Fain

I am fairly new here but have communicated with many wonderful people including family members I did not know I had!

Private User You are not collaborating with Mary Smith and Joseph Clayton and they are not zombies (not claimed).
You are collaborating with some of their managers (at least 3 of them are in this Pool). You will now see the collaboration symbol everywhere in relationship with managers.

Thank you, Lauri, for explaining, I really appreciate it.

@Monica Ditlefsen

@ Henn Sarv can you post that nice long list that you have done in the past? I have over 500 collaborators now, and don't want to miss anyone!

Henn Sarv - Some work to do!

THis is hord work now becouse some automatization I used earlier don't work any more. THis is why I stoped to deliver the list.

I check what I can to do and try to regenerate my list again (lot of manual work)


Would't it be easier to add people (who have been online in the last 2 months) to the project so that if they have changed their minds, or do so in the future, they can remove themselves? Having the list in the project makes it much easier to see who are you collaborating already as the green sign is shown.

Liivi you are doing fine.
I guess you've added just about everyone now?
Just keep up the good work :)

Then Henn won't have to manually create that list Barbara is craving ;-)

Showing 901-930 of 1468 posts

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