Collaboration Pool

Started by Private User on Wednesday, April 21, 2010
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Showing 811-840 of 1468 posts

@John Pittman

Could someone be kind enough to take care of this merge issue, a tree conflict, that has been appearing on my merge issues tab for a long time. I have tried to no avail.

Also there is a tab called requested merges in my merge issues. In it it says that I have one requested merge. But when I look to see what it is, it says you have no requested merges. Wondering why it keeps saying have one when there is none.


me to

Me too (let's see if this works)

Andrew Dean Kemp

New collaborative remember to put @ in front of your name. :)

I still can't figure out how to do that link thing:
@ Renee Marie Boudrea

Renee do this
Hold down SHIFT and press @
Now look at the bottom of this window
You will see Start Typing a name
Start typing a name next to @ Notice I want to find me I type A for Angus
you will see peoples names starting with A appear at bottom click on the one you wish
you will see [[ xxxxxxxx]] where xxxx is their their ID in Geni


You can do it such way "@ Firstname Lastname" without empty space after @
You can do it also as "[[ GENI_PID_NUMBER ]]" without empty spaces inside the brackets.
My examples (entered both ways):
Lauri Kreen
Lauri Kreen

Looks like [[ 6000000001163637216 ]] without inner spaces

Better late than never !

Paul Doré
Paul Louis Doré

Heeey, isn't that @ symbol supposed to stay put?
When I folloved the above recepie it went away...?

No it is similar to a To or Cc or Bcc in an email, it gives you access to a list of people from who you could choose, it will then put in the Geni ID of that person in these types of brackets [[ xxxxIDxxx]] when you send your message it converts it to the name

Private User

Never mind the actual link. It IS enough to say "I'm in" or something like it. We can always click on the link of your name next to the comment.

I wish everybody would tell THEIR Geni-friends and Family about this pool. It doesn't grow fast enough. :-D

This should not be necessary. Aren't the Geni software engeneers able to make all public profiles mergable for all users who want to improve Geni ?

they could, but... that would be a disaster. As is, you can't imagine the number of mind-bogglingly BAD merges, that people make. People living a thousand years apart, getting merged just because someone saw an identical name in Tree-Matches.

Not sure where to go with this... I have a problem, really it is not mine, but it somebody's... I will provide a link here to a segment of the tree that comes up in my line. Here is the link.

There are 188 profiles here. and if you scroll all the way over to the right and down... You will see descendants of the Harding line. Now, a lot of them are listed as living, so I assume that they are close to current living persons or actually living... either they are incorrectly listed as living, or... they should be marked private. But, when you click on the profiles to edit to make them private, you see that the little box is clear, which means that they can only be made public, which they already are... So what does one do? Now it really is no concern to me if they are public or not, but it might be of some concern to the person who put those profiles in, which was not me... I guess I am a busy body, but surely the person who they belong to might want to know about the situation... yes?

sry...that last message was a misunderstanding, deleted it.

@Shmuel-Aharon Kam

I know the mismerges. I helped improving SharedTree and WeRelate to solve that problem. SharedTree had not capable engeneers, so the problem became woser and worser. WeRelate has a very good swoftware engeneer, the owner of the site. After solving the problem he improved the merge toolsystem and the gedcom uploadsystem. Now it is possible but by exception that mismerges occur or duplicates occur. Geni should ask him, Dallan Quass, to improve the system here and to introduce the WeRelate merge and gedcomsystem.

The danger of mismerges exist here allready. Nobody controls the persons who ask here cooperation in the Collaboration Pool. I received only 3 mails in which was asked information about my goal to ish a member of this pool.

jI do not indeed understand any more to what is of use the collaboration pool because I cannot voiir trees or I have to look for who in the tree indeed wants to show himself and everything the others are hidden or private with only the initial of their first name.
Now I found several correspondences in the ancestry of my daughter and as it is I which(who) makes the tree for each of the members of my family, Geni do not understand(include) that I need to see trees unless it is the families which do not want!
I shall like(love) advanced(moved) well in his(her,its) branch because I make this tree for my children.
Towards(As for) the Sephardis I have no problem but I believe that I stopped finding what could be found.
I thus have the branch of my daughter to make: LEVYN ( Lewyn), DZIUBAS (name changed in JUBAS) GRUMAN or the others spelling? BENDET,
I base myself on the correspondence exchanged between cousins and Yad Vachem. We so found of the family with Florida and with Argentina, but as it is not I who was able to speak to them - in English and in Yiddish - My small son did not ask for the information which it was necessary. I thus have to begin again everything.
I thought that by registering me in collaboration pool we would help me!!

Translated by Reverso

read :
I shall like(love) advanced(moved) well in his(her,its) branch because I make this tree for my grand-children.

My grand-child whom speak in English and Yiddish - to call with the relatives but...did not ask for the information which it was necessary. I thus have to begin again everything.

Sally Thomas@sally

From what I see you are in that family group. That is why you can see them. (unless someone "fixed" it since you posted the message)
Also please use the "curators help" next time please

Private User@6000000000737961573
I sent you an email

@lars brodd

I'm from the Philippines and I helped from time to time on merge issues (limited only to Filipino profiles). Do I gain some advantage in my merging processes if I sign up here?

probably not, but you never know. :-) How large is the Filipino community on Geni?

Showing 811-840 of 1468 posts

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