Perhaps this is another reason for moving Collaboration Pool to a project - to keep the list up-to-date and include people who are active at the moment.
This list also shows who are already your collaborators (there is a link to 'View Tree')
You are right, Marsha, simply by following the project there are no notifications.
However, by joining the project, everyone will see "updated project" in their notifications, the same as for discussions.
I updated the project description.
Whenever someone requests to join the project, one of the collaborators (currently 15) has to accept it. The request will disappear when it's been accepted.
There was a link to 'View Tree' when I was writing this post today:
(right of 'Follow', under 'View Profile').
Now it only shows that for family group members.
Perhaps it's a kind of a side-effect of surname projects and will be back soon.
Would be nice to have the collaboration sign as well.
Myriam, it seems that Geni has stopped collaborators from seeing each others trees.
Is there a reason why when I look at my merge file, or folder, that it states that I have a requested merge, and then when I go in there is no merge listed? also, I am unable to make this merge happen It is a Pope profile merge....