Collaboration Pool

Started by Private User on Wednesday, April 21, 2010
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  • Private User
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Showing 511-540 of 1468 posts

"@Tanya Michelle Ryle"

I'm in, but be aware I tend to take 2-3 weeks breaks from geni at times.

I d'ont know why geni in my Home page says, (have 21329 merge issues)
Private Userd'ont know why geni in my Home page says, (have 21329 merge issues)

@Enrique: That quantity includes your collaborators' issues. If you click through on that link, you can un-check the "Include Collaborators" check-box. You will then see only your merge issues.

How do I find out who my collaborators are?

You find them in the bottom of the right column of your own profile.

I followed the link you send but I still can't figure out how to go there from my own profile. I don't see a link anywhere in geni. I am feeling quite stupid.

Okay. I figured it out. Thank you so much!

ok to collaborate
Patricia Duque Estrada Sacasa

Private User Ok

@N. Seth Nelson

Pool reached 250 members :)

Private User

@Laura Broomhall

ok to collaborate marvin caulk
Marvin Caulk, (C)to collaborate marvin caulk

Here's my enthusiastic ok to collaborate.


Private User @Michael Reid Delahunt

Would love to help out!

@Ryan Meashaw

I'm in. "@Craig Manske"

I am not a paying member of Geni, if that is a problem. I joined back when Geni was still free and though it was a GREAT resource. But since it's gone for pay I've stopped using and updating the service. My current research is far more detailed and much more accurate then what I have here. What I would really like to do is delete EVERYTHING I have here and re-add my gedcom file.

One can still use it without paying

Private User

It is my understanding that uploading gedcoms to geni is not a good idea, as geni has, so far, not done a good job of translating the data. It is partly because of these gedcom uploads that we have the huge mess of merges and corrections to deal with.

@Sue Hulett

But DO provide the link to this page. I have been refusing almost all recent collaboration requests due to the total cluster that is the Bliss/Holcombe family.

@ Ruth Kemalyan Weis

hey all, i have temporarily lost my pro status...if you want to collaborate with me, i am afaid you will have to send me the requests for right now. i cant request from you. thanks ^U^

I have never been pro and I can send and recieve a request to collaborate all I want, it's in the persons profile under more actions

@Ann: I am sure if you offer sufficient proof you'll have no problem fixing the problem. I'm not sure Geni is going to be willing to sacrifice their mission over some customers delusion of royal roots.

After all, what are we seeking here, truth or a means by which to legitimize our families?

If you want all discussion to be on the other thread, people should be asked nicely when asked to join the collaboration pool and not shouted at (typing in upper case). And you have to find a way to transfer all the posts that are here already to the other thread.
Thank you.

Gedcom is a great tool to off load adat from Geni to other off line personal trees.
It really does the job and a duty for that.

IMHO, however, it should not be possible to upload Gedcom files to Geni, which serves the ultimate purpose of creating a large tree connecting a lot of people world wide.

Whenever (some) people want run a very private tree - a lot of white boxes even for long dead people - I believe they should resort to other, off line software running on their own computers only. That's where Gedcom is a great tool to port data from Geni to Disgen or other similar off line tree software.

/Sten Waldo

Showing 511-540 of 1468 posts

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