Collaboration Pool

Started by Private User on Wednesday, April 21, 2010
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Heather, I will stipulate that it is not "politcally correct", and I can see why you would take offense, but it was meant descriptively. All I had was her age and her picture by which to assess her. Please note that I was more circumspect in my note to Henn Sarv. Anyway, wrong as I may be, the request disturbed me; what are the consequences of "collaborating" with someone we do not know who means mischief? I received a request to collaborate from a 12 year old in England; I deleted that request. I may misunderstand this whole "pool" thing. I was under the impression that we are all already connected somehow; is this pool the universe of Genie users?

Kerli Reinart has approx 150 collaborators. There are quite a few young people who are interested in Genealogy here working on their trees.

I have received a request from Kerli Reinart.

Thus reassured, I added her.

@ Henn, Robert Alan Shepard is my cousin, and only joined for me. I don't think he is into this that much, but I talked him into it. And Barbara Morse is my daughter in laws grandmother, and wouldn't be much help. She just likes to look at the pictures. So if you feel like you would like to remove them, go ahead.

Henn - Colleen Allman Williams accepted my request to collaborate. Please don't remove her. I have sometimes had to send more than 1 request to our newer members. I think they may be getting overwhelmed with requests and just miss a few.

same with me- i've sent more than one request to Several people. I almost never get new folks emailing me first.

Great idea!
@Floyd Russak

I'd love to collaborate. I have plenty of time to research and fix the tree.

@Shabsi (Alex) Weiss

@Jeffrey Sines

Please add me to your collaboration list

For you newbies, the way it has worked best is this: click the new person's photo/name to go to their profile. Select More Actions and Request Collaboration. It has been the responsibility of the 'older' people (those of us who already put our names on the list) to contact the people who come after us. Otherwise, as you can imagine, this thread would be full of people asking others to collaborate and it would be hard to find the new people! Thanks!

@ Grant Byrd

@Andrzej Hennel

@Derek Edward Jensen, Sr.

@Brian D Myhr

Private User

@Scott Lane Johnson
Be glad to collabarate. Joseph Hollinger

@Trina McCarty

@Harriet Fogg Harris

@Teri Dalgleish

@Crickett Jacks Hutchinson

Hi all pro users. I just discovered that by pressing on the how are you related button with a profile of collaborators or other suspected profiles , you can find other people to add to your own tree when you are related.

Henn Sarv

Thank you for the updated list. I currently have 312 collaborators, but not all my collaborators are in the pool. I do tell my new partners about the pool, but, of course, I can't make them join.

This has been a wonderful tool for me. I am making great progress at removing roadblocks in my portion of the tree. Thank you, every one of you, who has answered my requests for merges. I do appreciate every one of you!

Hi, Maria!
Thank you for the nice appreciation! And you are most welcome! It's been fascinating finding more family!
Kitty Milloy, San Diego

@Max Heffler

@Søren Hvid

Private User

Showing 421-450 of 1468 posts

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